How to remove the three dots on iPad screen?
Hello, how to remove three dots from the screen? Dots stay there during full screen videos (iPadOS 15)
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
Hello, how to remove three dots from the screen? Dots stay there during full screen videos (iPadOS 15)
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
The three dots so close to the URL bar is a major BUG! Why does Apple have to jam this down everyone’s throat? Just find a way to disable it and make folks happy. I have no interest, whatsoever, in this functionality that you view as important. It’s a major PITA and if you overshoot the URL bar, you waste keystrokes and time getting rid of it.
I can’t respond to Apple since it logs me out every time I try to reply only to them. So here is my reply to Apple
I have been part the apple community for a long time. It doesn’t help at all. Knowing how to use them isn’t the problem. Knowing how to design software is the problem. It’s that they are located exactly where about every app button I use is also located. I hit it accidentally at least 20 times a day and the features I’ll be lucky if I use 20 times in ever based on what I do with my iPad.
Yah it's super annoying because the dots overlap icons in many apps (e.g. Procreate).
Also the dots are useless because you can achieve the same results with various gestures.
Steve Jobs must be turning in his grave!
Give us the option to disable and remove them. They’re located in a place where it’s hard to access actions that are also at the top of the screen and it’s extremely annoying and time consuming to deal with.
In general, stay true to Apple’s philosophy! You’re starting to make the mistakes you did before having to recall Steve Jobs : you’re inventing all this silly useless noise instead of trying to keep things simple, pure, functional. There shouldn’t be anything that appears on the UI apart from apps. Gestures should do the rest. There shouldn’t be two or three ways to achieve the same goal, only one way, the best and most simple way.
Please don’t turn iOS into a slick version of Windows!!!
These three dots and the touch errors they case makes me want to throw my ipad out the window a few times a day. Completely infuriating and a horrible design. Its like the testers never used a browser with the dots. Please make this feature optional, cause its a bug now.
You cannot restore an earlier version of iOS than is currently installed on your iPad.
All System Updates are digitally signed by Apple - and can only be installed whilst the digital signatures remain valid. After release of a new iOS/iPadOS version, the immediately preceding version continues to be digitally signed by Apple - however, usually within a few days, Apple will revoke the digital certificate with which the earlier version is signed.
Helloooooo Apple! Please REMOVE THE DOTS!!! No one in the whole universe likes them! Okay I actually don’t know that, someone must have had the idea in the first place, but at the very least give us an option to remove them. I think the most ridiculous hindrance caused by the dots is that they actually overlap the hyperlink box in Safari! So when I click to type in the link to a website, I often accidentally split the screen... Most aggravating! It’s *almost* as annoying as not being able to correctly place the cursor in a text message to edit it on my iPhone, because the cursor never appears where I click and/or the copy-paste contextual pop-up opens above the place I want to put the cursor ( >_< ) » But to be fair, the three dots are revolting in part because they stick out as a plagueous pustule on an otherwise flawless interface.
Whilst understanding your specific complaint, I must counter that many (if not a majority) of users find the updated multitasking user interface to be both flexible and productive. For those that have difficulty, a resistance to learning about the new UI controls and features is perhaps a more accurate truth.
Your complaint concerning accidental triggering of the multitasking controls, by tapping the Safari address bar, can be simply explained…
Yes, unless you are extremely accurate in tapping only the address bar itself, a central tap can trigger the multitasking function. You have sub-consciously “learned” to tap the centre of the bar - because you have been conditioned to tapping the actual visible text to edit this input field. As this text is centre-justified, you are unwittingly attracted to the centre - where the touch zone for the multitasking button is located.
Now the [mental] fix that should resolve most of your issues - but accepting that you need to “reprogram” what might be several years of conditioned behaviour…
In Safari, the entire URL field is a “hot zone”. Just tap anywhere in the visible field (not just the visible text). Armed with this knowledge - and admittedly a little deliberate and conscious practice - you will quickly become accustomed to a slightly different way of using Safari. A new “habit” will emerge - and become your new sub-conscious behaviour.
Why should I have to re-program years of conditioned behavior? Absolutely wrong answer. This is a major PIA, totally unwarranted and the stupidest supposed "feature/benefit" from Apple I've ever seen. But it doesn't matter. Apple doesn't care about users like me and the countless others that have complained. It's wasted time by accidentally hitting the three dots. But it's Apple's ball and they'll take it home if they want to. And, make it more difficult for users with this insane interface.
You don’t have to do anything - but perhaps now armed with an “understanding” of why you may be encountering difficulties, should you wish to use this new knowledge to your benefit, you now have the means to do so if you so choose.
We are all capable of learning (or unlearning) actions that we perform without thinking (i.e., a conditioned behaviour) - and sometimes, until we recognise or understand what is causing a problem, we are powerless to constructively intervene and change the behaviour.
Ultimately, it’s your choice. Your alternative is to ignore the knowledge and information freely and constructively shared with you by others. Either way, you (and anyone else) can use Apple’s Product Feedback portal to provide constructive feedback and suggestions to Apple.
This reply was not helpful. I took all the steps mentioned above to contact the app developer and it did not work. There was no such app listed under “not on this iPad.”
I’ll reiterate again, the three dots at the top of the iPad screen are terribly annoying and directly interfere with the efficient use of the iAnnotate app. It’s ridiculous that the user does not have the option to remove them.
So Trisha-Trisha, I am not understanding something here. You contacted the developer of which app, iAnnotate? They did not answer you or is it the app you are complaining about ‘is not on your iPad’? So where is it? Or are you complaining about an app you do not have?
It doesn’t have to be always on and on top of the app. Better design would have allowed the user to decide when they want to multitask, maybe even “by App” like most of the accessibility features work. This should have been put in the Command Center, and I really don’t understand why it isn’t. Been an iPad owner since they came out, and this is the First time I’ve disagreed with a UI decision that Apple’s made, but this “feature” is really annoying.
I’ve posted feedback, so this is just my rant to agree with the others complaining, so don’t shoot down my angst with a self-righteous post about this not being the place for this.
I understand you. It’s frustrating that everything is perfect, except the 3 dots ruining the experience because it is a annoying distraction that we can’t remove…
I’m taking a break from my iPad because of the 3 dots.
Actually that makes it worse. since you have condescendingly tried to negate everyone's argument by deflecting them to apple's feedback and their own stupidity and laziness. To top it off you then have my post edited because I told the truth about what your take is actually doing. Apple once stood as a bastion of free thought and innovation. Now they just censor the dissidents as IBM and Microsoft did before them. Maybe the past is telling us something about the future....
How to remove the three dots on iPad screen?