delete the podcast app off macOS
MBP 2019 with macOS 11.5.2 installed.
For no apparent reason, the podcast app on my MBP will consume drive space at a rate of about 10MB per second until the resource is exhausted. I listen to podcasts on my phone and I don't even want the app on any of my other devices. I have signed the podcast app out of my apple id on the MBP, I've turned off automatic downloads, I have done literally everything I can do to stop this errant behavior and now ... something has to go. I hate to toss out BSD for Linux but I will if Apple can't resolve this.
The directory that is being downloaded to is /Users/<userid>/Library/Containers/
The demon (spelled correctly in this case) is nsurlsessind
I consumes an INSANE amount of CPU which causes the fan to run all the time now and craps all over my hard drive.
Solutions?!? Let's find out.
MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 10.14