iPhone Notes App Search Feature
What happened to the SEARCH in the Notes App? It is no longer locating the Notes with the key word that is typed in SEARCH. I have been having problems for a while. I click on the Notes App, scroll down until SEARCH is visible at the top of page. I type in a key word and search and either nothing comes up, or a Note will come up with that word in it. This has been happening for a while. I have to scroll through the entire Note to find what I'm looking for. I read on the Tips? or somewhere that you have to put a hashtag (#). I went through my most frequently used searches and I put hashtags and the Notes are still not located from SEARCH. For Example, I could type in NSTAR and the Note would automatically populate with NOTES that had the word NSTAR in it. Now it will not pull up anything. Or it will pull up a note that has 'in starting....". I use this feature daily and I really need it to work again. Please HELP. Thank you.
iPhone 13 Pro Max, iOS 15