Power Adapter Extension Cable for 140 watt charger for 2021 Macbook Pro
Will there be a power adapter extension cable with a duckhead rated at 7A to use with the 140 watt charger?
The label on box for the power adapter extension cable says it is "Compatible with MagSafe 2 power adapters and 10W, 12W, 29W, 61W, and 87W USB power adapters." This differs what it says on the website regarding the power adapter extension. As a customer, I am inclined to follow what it says on the box label, plus the duckheads are rated differently - 2.5A for the Magsafe 2(same as the power adapter extension cable) and 7A for the 140 watt charger and its duckhead(model A1555)
Thank you for your consideration of this feedback. I appreciate it.
Aloha, kenison
MacBook Pro (2020 and later)