If I delete apps from my computer will they automatically be deleted from my phone as well?
If I delete apps from my computer will they automatically be deleted from my phone as well?
MacBook Air
If I delete apps from my computer will they automatically be deleted from my phone as well?
MacBook Air
Hi there alizonia,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. Thanks for reaching out to us from the linked article: How to uninstall apps on your Mac
We're happy to provide insight into this inquiry about deleting apps from your devices. Any app that you have downloaded on your Mac or iPhone are specific to that device. Even if using the same app on both, deleting from one device will not remove it from the other one. You can get the steps to delete apps from your iPhone here if needed:
Delete apps on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
Feel free to reach back out if you have any questions.
Have a great day!
Hi there alizonia,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. Thanks for reaching out to us from the linked article: How to uninstall apps on your Mac
We're happy to provide insight into this inquiry about deleting apps from your devices. Any app that you have downloaded on your Mac or iPhone are specific to that device. Even if using the same app on both, deleting from one device will not remove it from the other one. You can get the steps to delete apps from your iPhone here if needed:
Delete apps on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
Feel free to reach back out if you have any questions.
Have a great day!
Hello again alizonia,
Certainly! You can use the Activity Monitor to keep your MacBook Air running as smoothly as possible. It tracks what processes are being used, what could be causing poor performance, and what needs to be disabled to correct any problems. Get more info on using this function here:
We hope this helps you.
Thank you so much for the helpful answer. I have a MacBook Air and really need to keep my storage under control....if you have any other tips to keep my machine running smoothly I'd really appreciate them!
If I delete apps from my computer will they automatically be deleted from my phone as well?