MIDI Keyboard Using Too Much Power. USB Accessories have been disabled.
HELP! MIDI Keyboard Using Too Much Power
I have a MacBook Pro from early 2013 and have recently encountered issues with my MIDI Keyboard. The keyboard was in full working order for a good 2 years, but now when I plug it into my MacBook, either directly or through a Powered USB Hub, I receive a message saying that USB has been disabled as an accessory is using too much power. The MIDI Keyboard I own is a Novation LaunchKey 49 and I have recently purchased a 9v AC adapter to provide power to the keyboard to fix the issue, but unfortunately it hasn't worked.
Anyone know of another way to get it working? I purchased the Powered USB Hub as I read online that should do the trick, but in fact my MIDI keyboard burnt out the outlet it was plugged into on said Hub.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!