TurboTax 2021 not working on Monterey 12.2.1 Feb 18, 2022 - here is what fixed it
On Feb 18, 2022 experienced a shutdown of TurboTax Deluxe 2021 after starting the application and it completed a check for updates before closing unexpectantly. Restarting the software created a few bumps of the icon, a flashed message about checking for updates, and an immediate shutdown. Intuit was not able to determine the cause or a fix. Checking numerous internet messages of this same issue but no one had a solution. (FYI I am using an iMac 2019, with MacOS Monterey version 12.2.1)
I last used TurboTax on January 16th when I installed it and imported last year’s data. So this is not an initial installation issue.
Apple Care did a real good job of trouble shooting the permissions etc. that might be at fault. Determined that the software would work using a new user so then determined that there is some conflict between the Apple OS and Turbo Tax. Here is what we did to fix the problem:
1) In Finder menu bar Select <GO> and Scroll Down to <GO TO FOLDER…> Then <ENTER>. (See Screen Shot 1 below showing this just before you <ENTER>)
2) Screen Shot 2 shows what you need to enter on that top line. Whatever is there you change it to exactly “~/Library/Preferences/” (without the quote marks) Then <ENTER> Note that exact entry, “~/Library/Preferences/”, is reflected in the list below that entry of “Go to:”
3) Screen Shot 3 shows the Preferences after Scrolling Down to find file names like “com.intuit.turbotax.2021.plist”. This screen shot shows only one, 2021, but there may be more similar for earlier years. Select all of the “…Intuit.turbotax…”, “xxxx.plist” files and Delete them to Trash.
4) Go to Trash and Empty (i.e. Delete) the .plist files you just put there!
5) Select TurboTax and it should open as expected but you may still get that error message that “It Looks Like We Hit A Snag”. I just ignore that as I have no idea what to say at this point.
Screen Shot 1:
Screen Shot 2:
Screen Shot 3:
iMac 27″, macOS 12.2