Macbook Air 2017 Sporadic Crashing/Pf004 Error
My Air is running on Monterey 12.1. Problem started last night, spinning wheel for about 20 seconds when on Chrome, then computer completely freezes. Restart, works for a few minutes then same issue occurs. Ran a diagnostic and Pf004 ("There may be an issue with the fan") was the error it came back with. No sound coming from the computer whatsoever when holding it up to ear in a quiet room. Resetting the SMC does solve the problem for a few hours (still no sound coming from inside the computer), and actually was able to do some fairly CPU heavy tasks fine earlier today, before it began to crash again. TG Pro showing 0 RPM on the fan at all times (55C temp currently). Not sure if this is a real hardware issue or something else as the computer should have manually shutdown earlier today if the fan was completely dead. Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks!