Some photos are blurry before zooming in
This issue has been bothering me for a while now and I haven't found any conclusive help for it either. First noticed a few years ago, but again recently due to a new photo of mine.
So the issue is following: after opening the photo it appears all blurry at first, but after zooming in a little, it becomes sharp and appears in high resolution. It doesn't seem to happen with most pictures (or in a very limited way, where the difference only shows up after comparing screenshots of before and after), but always my own taken ones.
Down are screenshots for comparison:
(Right after opening, low res)
(When first zooming in and the resetting zoom, high res)
Would recommend downloading both images onto Photos and swipe between the two quickly to see the difference.
First noticed on my old 7 Plus, but it has either disappeared or one I have with this new photo on my 11 Pro is just that much worse. But then again, this new photo seems fine on 7 Plus as well, so it appears to just be case with my 11 Pro.
I asked few friends as well if it happened on their end and results were mixed. One with 5s and another one with 12 didn't face it for example, but another friend with 11 had it as well.
iCloud photos is on, but Download and Keep Originals toggle is enabled. View Full HDR is enabled as well. All the drill.
It is blurry on 7 Plus as well, but only for a second. Your usual split second loading. Same thing on Mac. But on 11 Pro it just remains blurry indefinitely, without manual intervention.
I have noticed this issue having been brought up for years now, but without a real conclusive answer. Has anyone gotten a solution in meantime?