Movie Library and Amazon purchases
If I purchase a movie from Amazon Prime Video will it be added to the main Movie Library section of my Apple TV or will I need to use the Prime app to see it? Hoping all will be available in one location.
If I purchase a movie from Amazon Prime Video will it be added to the main Movie Library section of my Apple TV or will I need to use the Prime app to see it? Hoping all will be available in one location.
Check out It’s a service that you connect your various libraries to that makes them available on supported platforms. There’s an app for the Apple TV that I use with good results.
Check out It’s a service that you connect your various libraries to that makes them available on supported platforms. There’s an app for the Apple TV that I use with good results.
Digital movies from the Amazon catalog will become available in the Prime Video app, not in Apple’s apps.
Instead, try shopping in Apple’s iTunes Store catalog, to get movies to show up in the Apple TV library.
Movie Library and Amazon purchases