GPU Panic from Wake from Sleep
Recently, my MacBook Pro 16 inch would get a GPU Panic issue whenever I resume my laptop from wake from sleep, and would restart my laptop. This issue does not happen when in Safe Mode, and I see someone with the same laptop and issue, kernel panic cpu panic - Apple Community. I have not had this issue before. Any assistance would be appreciated.
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7fa417b749): GPU Panic: [3:0:0][PPLIB] Failed Power Play Resume. Shutting back down. TTL Error Message: {} --> {7213057983363:[3:0:0] Error SW_IP_CLIENT_ID__SMU: event_id=0xc0140406 event_info:type=3 hw_id=0 event_specific_tag=0x6 pData=0 data_size=0 %s %s %d %s}.
MacBook Pro 16″, macOS 12.3