iTunes Library .xml Error
Hi all,
I'm trying to export my iTunes Library.xml file so that I can add it to my NAS drive so that Sonos can read it and recreate the playlists I have in iTunes itself; however, when the .xml file is being exported, it is being exported with an error that renders it completely useless as it can't be read!
The error message being produced is 'No error detail available. Location: Line 2, Column 9.' - there's no further explanation as to what the issue is, but it is rendering the file useless. iTunes has only started doing this since the last update and it has been 100% fine until now. Does anyone know what might be causing this?
Because the file cannot be opened by software: Word, Excel, or Notepad etc., I can't even look at it to try and establish what the problem might be!!
Any ideas on how to fix this? I kind of need it working, TBH.