Disk Utility fsroot tree warnings (NOT invalid)
Hello to the community.
I’m running macOS 10.14.6 on a MBP mid2012.
Disk Utility is unable to repair the following errors, even when it’s running in recovery mode.
Verification code is 0.
I got the same results with fsck -fy command in single user mode.
I’ve seen comments that an invalid fsroot tree can’t be repaired but i don’t get that "invalid tree" line.
I did some searches but could not get any results for those errors.
Here are the details:
Checking the fsroot tree.
warning: drec_key: invalid hdr.obj_id (0x7)
warning: drec_val object (oid 0x7): invalid flags (0x205)
warning: drec_val object (oid 0x7): invalid type (5)
warning: directory valence check: directory (oid 0x7): orphan directory record
warning: inode_val: object (oid 0x302491319): invalid internal_flags (0x2008000)
warning: invalid xf.xf_type (0xf)
The exact same list of errors appear during the check of the snapshot (1 of 1), even after deleting and recreating it.
Conclusion of the test is "appears to be OK".
System and applications seem to run just fine.
I have no idea of the nature of these warnings.
Is there any step to take before erasing that SSD in recovery mode, reinstall a new system and import whatever Timemachine is able to rebuild ?
If anybody knows what this is all about, thanks to share knowledge.
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 10.13