Can you use Face ID and passcode on iPhone 14 pro?
If I set up Face ID and want to loan my phone to my husband without disabling Face ID, can I just give him a passcode? Or do I have to choose one or the other?
iPhone 14 Pro
If I set up Face ID and want to loan my phone to my husband without disabling Face ID, can I just give him a passcode? Or do I have to choose one or the other?
iPhone 14 Pro
If you want, you can do one of the two things below or both:
Axel F.
If you want, you can do one of the two things below or both:
Axel F.
Thank you. I was hoping that I would be able to use both Face ID or passcode, depending upon the circumstances. But I was afraid to set up Face ID before I knew if the default would remain the passcode. Thank you!
Just FYI, it is impossible to setup either FaceID or TouchID without first setting up a screen lock passcode. So your screen lock passcode is always available as an option and will be required at times, such as after operating system updates or power cycling a device. FaceID and TouchID are alternatives to a passcode, but are not replacements for a passcode.
Also, if using FaceID or touchID most of the time, you can always also switch from a simple screen lock passcode to a complex alphanumeric screen lock password instead, for added security, if you wish.
If you just give him the passcode then he will be able to unlock using the passcode. You will still be able to use your Face ID normally.
If you created an Alternate Face ID for him, then he can use his Face ID to unlock your iPhone. You can also give the passcode as well in the event that the iPhone asks for it before activating Face ID at times. YOU will still be able to use your Face ID normally in this situation as well.
Axel F.
Can you use Face ID and passcode on iPhone 14 pro?