How to get 3rd party apps off my phone that’s hacked
Ive asked questions about this before and I’ve never once in a decade long now ever got an answer but more less I have a well known hacker, stalker, thief who has stolen my internet! She’s is able to control my life! All our devices are ultimately being controlled by the thief hacker who has our own business internet hacked as well and SHES stolen over a hundred thousand dollars from me! It looks like she has a Facebook app that she is using for me so she’s literally obsessed with controlling me and I need to update my phone but I’m not wanting to allow or accept anything from the fake apps that she has installed on my own phone that absolutely looks like I’m just using her own personal cellphone and I’m the only person who has literally paid the bills! She’s literally on my phone and she has no business whatsoever in my business, or internet BC this woman hacker stalker thief is crazy illegal awful criminal fraudulent felony robbery charges against her for stealing thousands of dollars from us. And I need to know how to get rid of her 3rd party apps? I can show how she’s on my internet and she’s impersonating me online and in person. She lives only 5 minutes away from me. She’s a dangerous threat to me and society! The past entire decade long she’s abused and tortured me by her controlling my internet!! Can someone plz help me? She is using the same IP address as she has me using .
[Image Edited by Moderator to Remove Personal Information]