Blurry pics on iPhone 14 Pro Max (iOS 16.0.2)

I just got the new phone few days ago (for the better cameras compared to 13 Pro Max), and surprisingly the pics quality is blurry!

If I use the main camera when choosing 'vivid' mode, after the pic is taken , it takes 3-4 more seconds to do the post-processing! You can see the pic changing contrast, light etc in 2-3 times during that time interval of 3-4 seconds. The result at the end is not as good as I had with 13 Pro Max - which did the processing WHILE taking the pics and not after...

If I chose the 'standard' mode, the pics are better than in vivid mode, but still if you zoom just a little the details get lost! If you dont zoom, some areas of the pic seem clear and others blurry!

I did everything I could do from my side, cleaned the lens, updated to 16.0.2 as I mention in the title and I dont know what else to do :/

Any help on this please?

iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS 16

Posted on Oct 7, 2022 12:37 AM

Question marked as Best reply

Posted on Oct 15, 2022 11:48 PM

I am having the same issue! I’m upset I spent money to get a better camera and the image result is horrible. The iPhone 12 Pro camera captures much better images. Comparing the photos taken with an iPhone 12 Pro, OnePlus 8 Pro, and iPhone 14 Pro, the image of the iPhone 14 Pro is horribly blurry, grainy and unusable compared to the other phone images. The iPhone 14 Pro camera appears like it was technology from 5-8 years ago. Apple please fix this camera!

433 replies

Dec 5, 2022 5:37 PM in response to snajm3

Changed the settings and even set it to 48 megapixel full raw format and still not the same. Took my 12pro and my 14pro took the same picture with each camera… zoomed in on the screen and the 14pro picture looks way more blurred than the 12pro. My 12pro’s pictures are way sharper on the screen and the file size of the new pictures is way bigger…. Makes no sense….

Dec 6, 2022 5:32 AM in response to Gesi22

Same issue I am facing after a wait of 1 month I was very excited after getting this. But after repeated testing I came to know pictures are blurry and zoom is so worse. Even a 30k one plus quality is way more better. And in India after paying 150k for the most expensive phone this wasn’t expected. I also connected with support and they were saying android phones are better 😂 can you believe that? In India and only here you cannot return or replace apple product as per their policy. I upgraded from android and in 150k I could buy 2 best quality android phones. It’s just we are left with no options now

Dec 7, 2022 11:02 AM in response to Gesi22

I have the exact same issue and the camera is a vital part of my work. I must take pics of completed jobs to submit for insurance work as a tradesman. I’ve done all the things you also have and have the exact same results, still blurry **** un-submittable pictures. Apple need to fix this asap!! 16.2 update did nothing to resolve the issue 🤬

Dec 7, 2022 4:01 PM in response to KingAP

just a quick update from my side. I called Apple today, they ran a hardware diagnostic which included testing the sensor etc and everything passed. I got an appointment at the Genius Bar next Monday to have a tech look at my phone. I’m not going to be too optimistic, but I did a little more research and side by side comparison with my 12 Pro today. The pictures are more grainy on the 14 pro but why…. Well looking at the picture details I noticed the ISO picked by the camera in the 14 Pro was 640…. The same picture in the same light with the 12 Pro was ISO 160! So started making sense… higher ISO = Grainier image! By default the 14pro still takes pics at 12megapixel so unless you switch to raw mode and select 48mp the images compare to the 12 Pro aren’t going to improve much. Even though the lenses are much bigger, the 3x optical capability must reduce enough light that the camera has to pick higher ISO values to compensate for the loss of light in the new lenses. If you go into a bright light setting, the 14pro will lower the ISO and the image becomes less grainy.

its definitely a light level problem in normal images, but in bright settings 48MP will result in non grainy pictures.

the fact remains that many of us take photo’s indoors, so this becomes a problem.

I guess I have to wait and see what Apple says next Monday.

Dec 7, 2022 5:00 PM in response to heiko1968

I´ve been doing some testing on my side also and I noticed that the pictures in RAW 12mp look sharp and with the correct saturation and HDR, meanwhile the normal HEIC pictures look oversaturated and HDR is badly applyed, also less sharp than the others. But neither of those are blurry really, it´s just that when i zoom in too much they lose sharpness obviously. I will continue doing tests and will try deactivating the "lens correction" option en the camera settings to see if that helps (i think it will and a lot).

Dec 7, 2022 5:19 PM in response to Diegocamp79

excellent findings, let us know how you make out with other tests. Bottom line is that the basic image of the 14pro should be a better quality picture than images taken with an iPhone 2 generations older (especially when using default settings). The camera is higher resolution so zooming into a photo made with the 14pro shouldn’t be pixilated as one taken with an older model 😁.

Dec 8, 2022 4:31 PM in response to Ppeye

I don’t have the camera plus app but tempted to download it for 6 bux. I dropped in at the Apple Store today to compare two other 14pro’s on display. Actually showed one of the sales people what was happening and she couldn’t believe it. The ISO’s were higher on all the 14pro’s I tried, so my 14pro is exactly the same. Makes me think the lenses on the 14pro aren’t as light efficient as the older phones…

im gonna take my 12pro to the Genius Bar appointment on Monday and show them as well. I have a feeling the only way to resolve this will be through a software fix of some kind….

Dec 8, 2022 5:51 PM in response to Ppeye

Well I downloaded Procamera which allows for manual control and so far I’m seeing greatly improved images!

I think Apple has some work to do to their camera app….or software in general. Pretty sad that not more people have discovered this on their 14pro phones. I guess everybody thinks it’s new so it must be better 😁

Dec 8, 2022 6:17 PM in response to heiko1968

I think you guys absolutely right. They are banking on name brand appeal and the vast majority of people to not paying attention. So disappointing because Apple used to lead on perfecting the details. I felt in the past they were rolling out really polished hardware and software. Now we have no recourse but to go buy some third party apps to make the camera behave how it should?! What a shame because technically the hardware is capable of much more.

I’m really hoping this gets addressed in a future software update. I hope you see this Apple.

Dec 16, 2022 4:53 PM in response to BOlson65

The techs at the Apple Store are no help either. Of course I don’t blame them since they didn’t design the phone, but surely someone from Apple can acknowledge there is a problem with a phone which should be delivering superior pictures as apposed to the old model. If this was a Nikon camera I’d take it back to the store and get my money back.

I use a third party camera app now which gives me more control over the settings but the default camera app should work - super disappointed is an understatement…

Dec 16, 2022 8:37 PM in response to BOlson65

I’m with you BOlson, when I jumped from iPhone X to 12 pro it was a huge upgrade in quality. From 12 pro to 14 pro it feels like a 15% decline or something. Super frustrating AND disappointing. I buy Apple products because I expect attention to the details of the user experience. Things like this really turn me off.

Dec 20, 2022 4:45 AM in response to Gesi22

Im having the same issues and I’m on my 2nd 14PM after the first one was exchanged for a faulty camera. This one will not keep two things at the same distance in focus and it always puts faces / people out of focus. Terrible camera. I cannot wait until I can find a way to be rid of it if Apple doesn’t offer a fix. Pro photo sites are confirming it’s not the users.

Blurry pics on iPhone 14 Pro Max (iOS 16.0.2)

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