Blurry pics on iPhone 14 Pro Max (iOS 16.0.2)

I just got the new phone few days ago (for the better cameras compared to 13 Pro Max), and surprisingly the pics quality is blurry!

If I use the main camera when choosing 'vivid' mode, after the pic is taken , it takes 3-4 more seconds to do the post-processing! You can see the pic changing contrast, light etc in 2-3 times during that time interval of 3-4 seconds. The result at the end is not as good as I had with 13 Pro Max - which did the processing WHILE taking the pics and not after...

If I chose the 'standard' mode, the pics are better than in vivid mode, but still if you zoom just a little the details get lost! If you dont zoom, some areas of the pic seem clear and others blurry!

I did everything I could do from my side, cleaned the lens, updated to 16.0.2 as I mention in the title and I dont know what else to do :/

Any help on this please?

iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS 16

Posted on Oct 7, 2022 12:37 AM

Question marked as Best reply

Posted on Oct 15, 2022 11:48 PM

I am having the same issue! I’m upset I spent money to get a better camera and the image result is horrible. The iPhone 12 Pro camera captures much better images. Comparing the photos taken with an iPhone 12 Pro, OnePlus 8 Pro, and iPhone 14 Pro, the image of the iPhone 14 Pro is horribly blurry, grainy and unusable compared to the other phone images. The iPhone 14 Pro camera appears like it was technology from 5-8 years ago. Apple please fix this camera!

433 replies

Dec 21, 2022 12:19 AM in response to Gesi22

I also have the exact same issue. Couldn’t believe it when I started taking photos with the 14 pro how bad they were compared to 12 pro (poor focus etc). In particular the low light performance is awful unless you keep the camera dead still and your subjects do not move an inch, otherwise a complete blurry mess. I suspect most reviews of the pro 14 camera that praise it are taking pics mostly in full sunlight in 48mp pro RAW - this is the only scenario I have found that will produce a better image than the 12 pro (much better actually). Hope Apple will publicly acknowledge and fix the issue with the camera soon.

Dec 21, 2022 3:55 AM in response to iPhonepro14cam

however it goes well beyond the “more manual” and “point and shoot is dead” argument they try to make for the iphone 14 pro max. This phone is not capable of focusing, and not capable of holding a focus when I set it, and fails to auto focus. It’s like the camera workings are made with worn out, stretched, old gym sock elastic.

I also spent about 90 minutes on a text with Apple Support with their app option to contact by text (so I get a record of the chat. Never again with phone voice calls)

Same as with the first phone they ask you to restart and a list of other standard things, run diagnostics, ask about any mag safe things you use but swear it has no issue. Eventually they want you to take it to the Apple store. I did this with my first 14 pm and was treated pretty poorly. I was “crazy lady” and “too dumb to use the camera”. After calls back to support because it was still grinding after the update and wouldn’t focus I got this 2nd phone as a replacement. It seemed better at first but it’s failing to focus obviously now. September to December is not a long time to have two phones with failed cameras.

if I do have to go back to the Apple Store, I’m taking my framed degree BA in Art / Graphic Design with me so maybe they cut the crap.

Dec 21, 2022 12:52 PM in response to XsHadBetterCameraThan14PM


That’s such a funny story!

i think they’re aware of the issue but have been told to fob us off and follow a script to guide us to do diagnostics and take back to the Apple Store.

I’m tempted to take it back but don’t want it replaced with a refurbished phone. I bought mine brand new so want it exchanged for another brand new one.

I’ve noticed refurbished phones have some issue or another and never like a new one.

I’m sooo annoyed at this failed camera nonsense! Even using 3rd party apps is no good, usually pictures are worse.

I’m hoping for a fix but don’t think they’ll do one…. Definitely software related… May need to jump to Android if no fix by next year.

Dec 21, 2022 1:32 PM in response to KingAP

Oh they’re definitely aware of the issue and I still believe shutter speed / aperture and especially ISO calculations in their software are way off. I’ve been using ProCamera 16.1.1 with full manual control and the images are great. Still there is no excuse why a brand new iPhone with a 48mp camera takes pictures that are worse out of the box than an iPhone 2 or 3 generations older. I don’t think getting a replacement phone is the solution as I tried several at the Apple Store and the results are all the same.

took the camera on vacation and super annoyed - even shots set to 48mp quality are often dithered down to 12mp or lower…. Unless I use my PRoCam app…. Grrrr

Dec 22, 2022 2:26 AM in response to snajm3

and all you read and see on blogs is worship and praise to the new 14 Pro Max cameras! Sometimes I do think that this problem doesn't affect every 14 PM user but only some. And who gets the issue is just unlucky cause Apple wont do anything about it... but I hope it's just my wrong perception :)

Dec 22, 2022 7:40 PM in response to Gesi22

iphone 13 and 14 pro camera is junk. way too complicated. my 6S+ took better pictures. Just point and click. did not have to spend days trying to learn a complicated camera that i still can't figure out. just plain junk. Let's go back to the old days, get rid of all the complicated features of the newer cameras and get rid of focus. iphone is no longer a good product

Dec 24, 2022 10:38 AM in response to Gesi22

Same issue here. Wife and I have the same 14 Pro Max and both of our phones take terrible photos. Should have just stuck with the XS Max as photos were better than this.

I love how upgrading these days doesn’t net you what you pay for. I have also reported the issue to Apple via the link you have provided. It needs fixed!

it’s the one thing everyone upgrades for and the one thing always touted but somehow it’s not right, go figure.

id like to mention video is just fine, great quality most of the time to be certain. Autofocus or whatever with photos is making sense.

missing some pretty important milestones we’d like to take photos of. Totally annoying! Glad I’m not the only one though as likely the more of us with the issue the better!

Dec 24, 2022 10:17 PM in response to Gesi22

Truly, this camera issue is so frustrating. I’ve tried changing my settings, cleaning the lens 🙄, using different lighting, every fix I can find and no luck.

My photos on the 12 pro max were really good, no problems. Then I upgrade and all of the pictures look like they came from a flip phone. My friend is having the same problem with the same frustrations. We both got the upgrade because we use the camera to photograph our work and are now considering just getting digital cameras. For this much money, we shouldn’t have to have hacker abilities to make a camera have, at minimum, the same quality photos as the last 3 rollouts.

so disappointing.

Dec 28, 2022 9:36 AM in response to JoseReynoso007

thanks for sharing but also other members have suggested Halide and look alike apps. Its not a fix though, just some sort of work around!

personally, i didnt pay around 1600 euro (in europe) for a phone on which I will need to install other (paid) apps to have what was promised me before selling the phone : better pics than previous models! 🤷‍♂️

Dec 29, 2022 6:15 AM in response to Gesi22

I texted support at Apple, after going over several options, the support tech had to have someone call me. That person ran a diagnostic and found something so I have to go to a store today for the Genius Team.

They offered a replacement right away but I had such a hard time with my provider I am apprehensive. This seems to be a system issue, correct? If they tell me it's hardware, I would assume replacement is the only option.

I ask, if it's system (I purchased this phone less than 3 weeks ago) Should I hold off for a fix or ask to go to an older model device? Has anyone done that, successfully? I'd rather a 12pro or 13 pro(which is what I wanted but they weren't in stock).

Blurry pics on iPhone 14 Pro Max (iOS 16.0.2)

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