Blurry pics on iPhone 14 Pro Max (iOS 16.0.2)

I just got the new phone few days ago (for the better cameras compared to 13 Pro Max), and surprisingly the pics quality is blurry!

If I use the main camera when choosing 'vivid' mode, after the pic is taken , it takes 3-4 more seconds to do the post-processing! You can see the pic changing contrast, light etc in 2-3 times during that time interval of 3-4 seconds. The result at the end is not as good as I had with 13 Pro Max - which did the processing WHILE taking the pics and not after...

If I chose the 'standard' mode, the pics are better than in vivid mode, but still if you zoom just a little the details get lost! If you dont zoom, some areas of the pic seem clear and others blurry!

I did everything I could do from my side, cleaned the lens, updated to 16.0.2 as I mention in the title and I dont know what else to do :/

Any help on this please?

iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS 16

Posted on Oct 7, 2022 12:37 AM

Question marked as Best reply

Posted on Oct 15, 2022 11:48 PM

I am having the same issue! I’m upset I spent money to get a better camera and the image result is horrible. The iPhone 12 Pro camera captures much better images. Comparing the photos taken with an iPhone 12 Pro, OnePlus 8 Pro, and iPhone 14 Pro, the image of the iPhone 14 Pro is horribly blurry, grainy and unusable compared to the other phone images. The iPhone 14 Pro camera appears like it was technology from 5-8 years ago. Apple please fix this camera!

433 replies

Dec 29, 2022 6:28 AM in response to JoLana49

Its what Apple support always does. I did the same like twice with them. They run diagnostics and anything seems fine (related to HW at least) and they offer to swap the phone. I didnt swap because also their other iphones that keep on the show stands showed the same problem with pics.

officially Apple doesnt give any statement on this and all you read from bloggers is only camera quality praise (which makes it weird how only some ppl and not everyone have this issue - unless the bloggers are paid to praise, you know 😄)

personally i’d suggest you swap the 14 with an iphone 13. You would be instantly happy eith pics and no need to wait for a fix on 14 from Apple, if a fix will ever arrive ofc .

Dec 29, 2022 7:51 AM in response to JoLana49

If they found something I’d get to the store asap. I’ve done the text Apple support running diagnostic and Apple certified Best Buy running the diagnostic in person to only get “your phone is fine.” However when I showed the example photo and blurry images to the ATT store (I too was looking for other options) they think it has to be this phone not software or everyone would be in line to return their phone. I did test shots with the demo 14PM at Best Buy and the ATT store and the images were much better. After 2 weeks you are beyond the return period, but post that you are still in the warranty period.

Dec 29, 2022 8:39 AM in response to XsHadBetterCameraThan14PM

Yes 🙏🏻 I have an appt today. I'll of course ask what it is they found.

When you used the demo on display it worked well?

I am just over the 2 weeks with my provider (so I can't return and get an older device with them) but Apple has offered a replacement calling this "buyers remorse".

I will update this thread after my appointment.

From many discussions it does seem like a system flaw. There seems to be a problem with shutter speed and ISO. Inside pictures are awful, selfies terrible but landscape outside is lovely.

I've tried changing a few settings and although it got a little better, it's still not good.

so frustrating

Dec 29, 2022 3:11 PM in response to Gesi22

update for me:

after going to the Apple Store my tech has fixed my issue!

it was all settings based as I already had the current iOS update 16.2.

the only thing that is still a problem is using your camera in apps (like Target cartwheel and Starbucks) to scan barcodes, etc. they are aware of this and hope another update will address it but do not have an idea of when that will be.

Dec 29, 2022 3:45 PM in response to JoLana49

How can this settings fix the issue. First of all, there’s nothing out of ordinary, just common settings for any iphone. Second, if we have to select certain options to ‘tweak’ the camera it is not a fix. The camera should work amazingly well with ANY setting, after all that is what Apple advertised when announce this phone line up (and the others before too). I’m not saying i don’t believe you, but maybe you’re confused.

On my part, i’ve tried EVERYTHING, and i mean EVERYTHING. I’ve used all possible combinations of settings, two 3rd party apps (Hallide and ProCamera) and nothing. The quality is awful. Maybe i’ve noticed small changes but nothing really impressive.

Dec 29, 2022 3:51 PM in response to Diegocamp79

Completely agree and no shade to those who have felt like the problem is solved. Finding the magic settings combo to make the camera “work” isn’t a fix. Why wouldn’t all the other features just enhance the basic camera….this would mean all of the features are bunk.

I too have messed with all the setting combos I can find and still, the picture looks horrible. I can’t stress enough, zoom in a little in the pic you think is great. It looks like someone put it through an AI filter. Nothing looks real.

if you’re just using the camera for personal use, it’s not a crazy issue but for those of us using the camera for our job, these issues cause a big problem.

please keep reporting this so we can get a fix. I’ve now talked to two NEW people within my circle who are also like “wtf”. I thought I was crazy for a min but this is such a huge disappointment and problem.

Dec 29, 2022 5:00 PM in response to Diegocamp79

I feel your frustration and I'd urge you and anyone else to keep on Apple.

I know I've made sure to have everything documented. By following this and reporting the bug, making text support so I have that documentation and by also going into the store.

I just got my device 2nd week in December, not sure if that has something to do with it. These settings changed for me have drastically changed the look of my photos with forward facing and the main camera in low light.

If I encounter more issues, I will definitely make note. And because I have tickets and documentation with apple at least there is that.

I hope all that have this problem are able to get some resolution.

I am completely empathetic with you all as I was sick to my stomach with this purchase.

Dec 29, 2022 9:35 PM in response to Gesi22

I upgraded solely for the camera and the iPhone 14 pro camera has produced wholly unusable shots unless I am outside in natural light. Shots inside even during the day are hit or miss. Focus is terrible, two objects right next to each other allows only one to be in focus. Pictures taken inside at night with plenty of lights on are so pixelated and blurry, the photo does some kind of odd blur after it’s been added to camera roll. It’s unreal how terrible the quality is. I use my phone for work and photos are a big part of that but I CANNOT take a clear photo inside at night. It’s not user error either and even when held completely still and when the picture “looks” clear, the weird processing blur comes on after it’s in the camera roll. And zooming in at all on the finished picture shows how blurry it is. Just devastated honestly. 🥲

Dec 30, 2022 12:56 AM in response to JoLana49

Hi! Thanks for sharing and glad youre happy now. But this “fix” (if we may call it like that) comes with a cost on the pics size that will eat up your phone’s memory.

also, the previous iphone’s didnt need these tweaks to make amazing pics. If Apple store is sending you and others home with this “fix” then we have another problem - Apple staff not being honest and shutting ppl mouths with some unacceptable workaround that actually comes with a cost on memory that not all users can afford

Dec 30, 2022 6:17 AM in response to hoss1995

This is just awful and I can relate to your disappointment.

I will continue to update as I haven't been able to test in many settings yet. So far what was done has changed the photo quality immensely. But again, I haven't had a lot of opportunities yet, so I leave it as we shall see.

Right now I am satisfied with what was done but rest assured I will continue to test.

I really hope there will be more resolution for everyone.

Dec 31, 2022 11:51 AM in response to amber2224

I was about to purchase a Samsung S22 Ultra unlocked and cut my losses this morning. Instead I tried chatting with the Apple support again. I’m going to the Apple Store in about an hour for someone to look at my phone. I don’t have high hope since they treated me so poorly last time when my first phone PM 14

camera sounded like it was grinding coffee beans.

Since I’ve found more great examples of reviews I cannot replicate on my phone of better quality and other phones with better cameras.

Blurry pics on iPhone 14 Pro Max (iOS 16.0.2)

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