Getting error code 80042007 _during_ importing iPhone photos to windows 10
Similar questions have been asked over the last couple of years, e.g.
"I get error code 80042007 when importing iPhone photos to windows 10"
Why do I get this error message as it prevents my imports from going through
(Windows, Windows 10 Posted on May 27, 2020 4:49 AM)
"I get error code 80042007 when importing iPhone photos to windows 10"
Why do I get this error message as it prevents my imports from going through
(Windows, Windows 10 Posted on May 27, 2020 4:49 AM )
...which no-one has answered.
In my case, they occur when I am importing a long video (>1min?) and I have let the iPhone screen go blank (which it will do during a long transfer). At that point the PC stops the transfer and produces the above error. Once I have the error, the only reliable way to be able to resume the import process is to turn the iPhone off (completely), turn it back on, re-start the transfer AND KEEP THE iPhone SCREEN LIT (by touching it every minute or so).
It would be nice if Apple and/or Microsoft support people could explain what is really going on, and whether a solution is possible. My workaround seems to work for me, but it's frustrating that I have to keep watching the iPhone to make sure the phone "stays awake".
I'm using a fully patched Windows 10 PC and IOS 15.6.1 on an iPhone 8.
Cheers, Geoff