Mighty Mouse scroll ball not working on Ventura
Hi all,
Changed job and had to dig out my old USB Mac Mighty Mouse model A1152 because the mouse they bought me was rubbish. It has the scroll ball, but the new Mac OS doesn't seem to know what to do with it. The ball settings have no option to use it to scroll (see screenshot), and in the 'Scrolling' dropdown menu you can supposedly select up and down, 360˚ or whatever, but nothing actually happens. Seems the Mac OS just doesn't recognise the ball as inputting any scrolling. Is there something on the .plist I need to change or something? Or is this just a fundamental Apple doesn't care about old peripherals when making their new OS sort of thing?
(PS> Have restarted, not changed anything. Have also checked, it's not a hardware error.)
MacBook Pro 14″, macOS 13.1