In our homes, I suppose normal homes, it is not necessary to have private MAC addresses, all devices go through the router with the same MAC address and the same public IP. Furthermore, I consider that it is a security problem that random MAC addresses are generated inside my house, since, in my case, I know the MAC addresses of all my devices, if there is a new device, or if they change, I find out. If they are random, I don't know if they are mine or not. Well, in this case yes, because a new one appears and I'm missing one of mine..., but the one that has changed stops being heard....
I don't understand why the HomePods and Apple TVs, inside my house, have to use random MAC addresses, except so that I can't block access to the access points and have less security.
I don't know if the reason they disconnect and reconnect, hearing one, another or none, every day, has anything to do with this or not, but it seems absurd to me.
On my iMac, iPhone, iPad,... and those of my family, I can choose between using private MAC addresses or not, obviously I have set it to not for my SSID and my network, and I have no problem recognizing them when scanning the network as my devices, with iNet Scanner for example.
By the way, I have bought 3 AirPort Extreme 802.11 AC. Everything is Apple now. There is no Mesh network. The problem remains the same.
This problem has been around for a long time. It is reported in all the forums. I personally have open incidents to which they no longer respond. Not even the support is what it was years ago.
I wait for each new update as if my life depended on it, and there are a few, but nothing.
I don't understand why Apple doesn't provide a solution to this after so much time and so many complaints.
The issue of HomeKit and the Home App would have to be dealt with separately. The Home App eats up batteries without using it. I have had to remove the entire family and only I use it.
He also responds when he, or she, wants. You always have tons of devices (all of them ZigBee) across three hubs, all of which are unresponsive. With Alexa if they respond.....
I had to remove all the Eve devices, which I also had. With thread they disappeared and appeared when they wanted. With HomeKit they worked more or less well, from the update to thread, a disaster.
After about 20 years, I'm starting to go from love to hate with Apple stuff.
They were a little expensive devices, but very good, the first ones I bought still work. Now they are very closed devices, very expensive, and their operation is not the same.
I still have a Power Mac G4, upgraded with as much RAM as possible and an SSD via an adapter, running Office perfectly!!!!!
Now, what I buy, logically removing iPhones and iPads, in addition to being very very expensive, I know that it will only have a couple of years of life without any possible update.
Apologies for all this, but I have had these problems for more than a year and several open incidents without any response.