Songs Grayed Out on IPhone But Available on PC ITunes
I didn't get a helpful response the last time I asked this question: Songs Are Grayed Out ... Again - Apple Community
Can somebody with Apple please read my initial question where I've detailed the "usual suspect" causes are not applicable to this issue. I think I've narrowed down what the root cause may be. Each song that's repeatedly (over 15 years) but intermittently not available on my phone have an attribute titled Grouping populated. I created this to sort a "top 100" playlist. See the screenshots from my phone (New Years Day) is not available, and my computer (New Years Day is available with a Grouping defined). This issue impacts about 50 of my songs over and over again. After synching at least twice they usually end up on my phone but it's a pain to keep resolving. Is it possible having a grouping defined causes songs not to synch to the iPhone?
All songs available from U2 War EXCEPT New Years Day
New Years Day File IS on my computer with "Grouping" defined:
iPhone 13 Pro