Just wanted to let others know who have the same issue, that I saw someone’s message on here about consumer law today and realised I could file my own claim. By the end of the day was offered a FULL refund for my faulty device.
I posted on this thread last month when my laptop screen went blurry/black, and after going to the Genius Bar was told it would cost my £700 to fix.
Today I realised that if you can prove the laptop has a fault that wasn’t due to personal damage (get a Genius Bar Diagnostic for this) you can claim on Consumer Law.
In the U.K., you have 6 years to claim under this law, and essentially weighs up what’s a fair amount of time you can expect a device/object etc to work.
Thankfully I bought from Costco, and today started a complaint through Resolver. Within 12 hours I had a call from the warehouse manager at the Costco I bought the laptop, and after hearing everything and seeing the Genius Bar diagnostic report, offered me a full refund.
Very thankful for the amazing retail workers/managers out there!
Just wanted to let everyone else on this thread know, so that you can hopefully get the same outcome.
If you need more info, in the UK you can call Citizens Advice, and they’ll explain Consumer Law to you and help!
Hope this helps someone out there!
*Background Info : Device is 2 years and 3 months old. Issue happened out of warranty*
*To do this I had an Apple Diagnostic Report, all my receipts / evidence of purchase*