I have been in deep trouble on this since having restarted after macOS 13.3.1(a)
Installation completed seemingly without a hitch.
Duh, no.
Upon the very first restart after the 13.3.1(a) update when the system loads itself, a scratch came into my view. Most likely outdated driver(s) in /System/Library/Extentions/ with .kext extension dose some harm on my machine, MacBook Pro 15” 2017.
There I have been experiencing Touch Bar lit off so I have no control over the keyboard lights, volume, etc. Especially troubling is Toch ID. FYI, safeboot dose right thing and troubles gone away.
And all my passwords stored in the keychain completely gone. I can not get mail messages because having not been successful in logging intoIMAP servers including Apple, Google or whatsoever.
All Cloud services are denied of accesses.
I believe getting rid of the troublesome driver kext files. But the problem is I don't know which to stay and which to go.