Running Mac OS CATALINA 10.15.7
Get all the same responses and issues in all 4 pages of REPLIES.
I have used YAHOO generate 3rd Party PSWRD APP and get PSWRD NOT RECOGNIZED.
Also get the Yahoo Login Failed, Try Again Later.
I've attempted to create a new 'INTERNET MAIL' Account. When I use my Yahoo ID for the ACCOUNT, I receive Err Msg: ACCOUNT Already Exists.
For my Technical Purpose, I won't upgrade to newer MAC OS(If that's only solution, I'll just buy a new MAC MINI🙄). Any One who can assist me if fixing this, would be really appreciate. I'm very luck in that when I originally configured APPLE EMAIL, that I retained ALL MAIL/MAILBOXES on YAHOO SERVER, when YAHOO MAIL was transferred to APPLE MAIL.