Reset iCloud Music Libray / iTunes Match
For some reason my “Sync Library” Box became unchecked. So when i tried to re-check it the “Syncing iCloud Music Library” took about 8 hours and duplicated every song in my library and made dozens of duplicates of my 30 playlists and Sync Library becomes unchecked again
I’ve signed out of Apple Music / iTunes store on every single apple device, reset my main computer where my local files are and tried the process above again and go the same result.
Now I have about 250 playlists instead of 30 and most are just blank. Luckily with the help Dupin & some other Doug iTunes scripts I was able to get rid of them
Is there a way to start from scratch for my iCloud Music Library / iTunes match
I have all of my music files stored locally and backed up so not worried about losing the data just want to get the sync back up and running.
MacBook Pro (2017 – 2020)