Location permissions are actually stored in /private/var/db/locationd/clients.plist
With SIP disabled, you can delete/edit the file.
Entry for Chrome, permission denied
"com.google.Chrome" = {
Authorized = 0;
BundleId = "com.google.Chrome";
BundlePath = "/Applications/Google Chrome.app";
Registered = "";
Requirement = "(identifier \\"com.google.Chrome\\" or identifier \\"com.google.Chrome.beta\\" or identifier \\"com.google.Chrome.dev\\" or identifier \\"com.google.Chrome.canary\\") and anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = EQHXZ8M8AV";
Manual entry for Microsoft Edge, allowed
"com.microsoft.edgemac" = {
Authorized = 1;
BundleId = "com.microsoft.edgemac";
BundlePath = "/Applications/Microsoft Edge.app";
Registered = "";
Requirement = "identifier \\"com.microsoft.edgemac\\" and anchor apple generic";