Monterey 12.6.8 crashing MacBook Pro (early 2015)
Every time I try and update to macOS Monterey 12.6.8 my MacBook crashes. I’ve done all the Diagnostics (all ok), restart in Recovery (FirstAid all ok) but whenever I try and update to 12.6.8 - my MacBook crashes / rainbow wheel of death shows up / screen goes black. Then either takes an age to restart, or I have to force a restart.
Even trying to back up, crashes my MacBook. Anything longer than about 10 mins of MacBook being on, it hangs and crashes.
I’m at my whitsend, backing up all docs manually onto an external hard drive in case I have to wipe everything and start again, but is this happening for others?
My current macOS on “About This Mac” already says 12.6.8 so not sure why it’s wanting to update with a 11.5GB download…! HELP. Pleases and thank yous!
Earlier Mac models