iOS 17 Storage Space Bug / Issue
This feature/item was not there upon iOS 16.6 - but after the upgrade to iOS17 - phone storage data has been taken up due to SYNCED CONTENT.
There was no reason for it to take up nearly 20-30% of the storage away from the phone (when my device had about 30-40 gigs left I'm down to 4.23gbs). This has disallowed me to back up my device to my iMac due to now lack of storage space b/c of this issue.
This seems to be an un-tested feature/bug/issue. I'm sure many users would not be happy knowing that their device storage was depleted for some unwanted/untested feature.
Is anybody else noticing this issue as well (as among many reddit forums /alternative forums as well).
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 12 Pro