iPad 9th generation won’t connect to iPhone 11 hotspot despite saying it’s connected
Hey I’m in an annoyingly need of help. First I want to give some background. This is a bit lengthy.
I have an iPhone 11 and an iPad 9th generation. Never had problems until one day a year ago my iPad stopped receiving hotspot from my phone. It lasted for a while. Actually no, let me correct. My phone will display that the iPad is connected. The iPad will display on the wifi tab that it’s connected. But it doesn’t display it on top of the screen. It’ll show that I was not online at all. I’ve tried all the instructions when looking it up from the Apple support page. Both devices were up to date. Step by step. I don’t know if it was a cause or not but I’ve tried something silly like changing the toggle of automatic roaming to my carrier and that “magically fixed it”.
So I’m staying in a place with ****** signal but it still works fine. I used to even listen to music without hotspot (I made sure of it since I’ll turn it off; it wasn’t until recently that I discovered that apparently paying for Apple Music didn’t include that feature). Then this weird thing started to happen. One day, certain songs won’t play. Then I couldn’t play songs for except those from recently added. And NOW the whole “iPad won’t connect to hotspot despite displaying it’s connecting” is happening and it’s been happening for a few days. I’ve updated, followed the instructions from before and even tried that trick I did last year and nothing.
Can anyone explain what the heck is going on? I can listen music fine on my phone. The data is working fine. But this is such a wild bug I never expected it to happen again. Is there anything else I could do? Side note, the iPad can connect fine to other networks. Thanks in advance.
iPad, iPadOS 17