The Activity Monitor shows "AMPDevicesAgent (Not Responding)" and its using 99.9% CPU.
iMac Late 2012. OS 10.15.7. SSDs installed in place of original HD about 4 years ago. iMac working really really well after SSDs installed. Recently (maybe two weeks) many/most operations are quite slow and the dreaded beachball has made an unwelcome return into my life. Something is wrong.
Etrecheck says my iMac may "be considered obsolete". (I know. Upgrading soon - meanwhile......).
But Etrecheck also says my iMac performance is "Excellent".
One clue - when I attach my iPhone to the iMac for syncing and backup, I notice in the Finder Window, on the left-side where the Menus are, that the entry/icon/progress circle for the iPhone gets stuck at about the 75% mark. I note that the AMPDevicesAgent is somehow involved in different Apple devices talking/connecting/syncing to/with each other. So, there's a possible clue.
I opened Activity Monitor which shows ""AMPDevicesAgent (Not Responding)" and, its using "99.9% CPU"
Can anyone assist? I know how to use an iMac for the basics. I am NOT a techie or proficient in any aspect of IT. If you are able to assist could I ask you to explain/suggest things to me as if I'm 12 years old.
Thank you, in advance of any assistance
iMac 21.5″