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macbook pro core i7 high res anti-glare screen garbled graphics

My two month old macbook pro consistently (once every day or two) produces a garbled up screen after using it for a few hours. The only way to resolve this is to restart the computer. I've talked with apple support and have gone into the store for help and so far everyone is clueless and offer no real advice. I can't take a screenshot on the machine once this occurs, the picture just comes up blank, but I did take pictures with my cellphone.

screenshots: http://i.imgur.com/MsUyO.jpg http://i.imgur.com/nhUfi.jpg

Has anyone else had a similar issue and is this most likely a graphics hardware error?

macbook pro core i7, Mac OS X (10.6.4), high res matte screen

Posted on Sep 20, 2010 10:30 AM

351 replies

Feb 15, 2011 4:10 PM in response to slashizzy

when you have Safari running Flash is also running- assuming you've downloaded the flash extension.

My top-sites was usually the first thing to start getting garbled too.

If you want to find the problem just uninstall Flash and see if you still have problems in Safari. I bet you wont. It's that simple.

and yes i think it makes perfect sense that Apple doesn't support Flash. If i made a browser extension i think the responsibility would be on me to make sure it works in browsers, not for the browser companies to make sure their browser will work with my plugin/extension.

It just doesnt make any sense for Apple to willingly shackle themselves to Adobe's software that Adobe owns.

Feb 15, 2011 4:38 PM in response to cjasonbr

when you have Safari running Flash is also running...

not according to activity monitor - Flash & WebKitPluginAgent only load when you visit a page containing Flash; and whilst wkpa remains after closing any Flash tabs/windows, the plugin disappears from the list within seconds.

Sure, it might set something up for a fall, but the Flash process seems to have stopped
(this in 64 bit mode)

Feb 15, 2011 5:23 PM in response to cjasonbr

wouldn't the extension load when the application starts?

as I said, it appears not to, and the file list for safari seems quite exhaustive. It doesn't show in lsof from terminal either.
Certainly Safari isnt programmed to start Flash

well it is, you visit a page with Flash, and if the plugin is available, it starts.
My computer is still problem free for a couple months. works perfect

Splendid, really.

Feb 15, 2011 8:55 PM in response to cjasonbr

Please stop hijacking this thread with talk about Flash! I am no fan of Flash, but I have yet to read anything that convinces me that Flash is the root of the problem. To convince me that Flash is indeed the problem, explain to me why this problem seems to be abnormally prevalent on high-res Core i7 MBPs and goes away when switching to NVIDIA graphics. If Flash is the problem, why does the problem not appear with the NVIDIA card or on more Core i5 MBPs? Flash is software and would seem to use the same stack for both the NVIDIA and Intel chip. I could buy that the drivers for the Intel chip might be at fault, but this would not be Flash's fault. In addition, many users (myself included) have posted about circumstances when the problem crops up and Flash is not running. For me, I've seen it in Preview.app when many documents are open as well as in Safari when viewing large images not in any Flash content.

Feb 15, 2011 11:14 PM in response to dave727

Well I am soon to unsubscribe from this thread. All this talk of Adobe hating Apple, Apple hating Adobe, Adobe software ***** (try convincing CS5 users of that), and Flash bashing etc. So I agree with dave727.
I apologies for repeating myself to the people that actually have taken the time to read the entire thread but for those of you who have joined this thread recently and cant be bothered reading it before commenting (and there are a lot of you), my garbled were solved by slightly by using gfxCardStatus to force switching under my control, but was eventually solved 100% by having the logic board replaced. Simple as that. My Advice: demand a hardware fix from you Apple dealer. Good Luck.

Feb 16, 2011 10:57 PM in response to dave727

hijacking the thread about flash???????? Did you read the thread?


I have yet to see one post where someone says they have a graphics problem and flash isn't installed usually in Safari.

I have been inviting people to remove Flash from their system and see if they still have a problem. I have yet to hear from someone that they uninstalled Flash and still have the problem.

I for one do not have Flash installed into my Safari app and i have ZERO PROBLEMS. I went from using Safari and Flash and having constant problems to using Chrome and Flash and having ZERO problems.

and yes mine was surely popping up when flash wasn't running also. It was happening all the time. Especially in the Safari start page like i said a few posts up^^^^^^^

Feb 16, 2011 11:09 PM in response to cjasonbr

and like i said. Even if you're not getting graphics problems i still think that Safari and Flash don't play nice together. Chrome seems MUCH faster than Safari seemed to be. I think that's because Safari was slowed down by incompatibilities with Flash. I seem to remember Safari starting out fast, then it slows down and ends up with graphics glitching, and crashing, and bomb screens.

It's not just a few garbled graphics. It totally F'ed up my whole computer. Now it runs lightening fast. and error free.

i have 38 posts and every 3 of those probably say the same thing.

macbook pro core i7 high res anti-glare screen garbled graphics

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