Well, here is a response from Apple Support!
+Dear xxxx,+
+I'm sorry to hear that you are unable to connect to the iTunes Store using the iTunes link. My name is Floyd, and I can understand your eagerness to sort this out so you can get back to enjoying iTunes.+
+Some Windows customers have discovered that when they upgraded to the latest version of iTunes, the application no longer has issues.+
+I encourage you to upgrade at this time. The latest version of iTunes can always be downloaded free of charge at:+
+If installing the latest version of iTunes does not resolve the issue you are experiencing, you may wish to call our AppleCare technical support team. A technical Advisor will be able to tell you about Apple's complimentary and fee-based support options as well as assist you in determining what option might be most helpful in this case. To find the appropriate phone number, please visit:+
+I hope this information is helpful. Have a great day!+
+iTunes Store Customer Service+
I particularly like the invitation to contact AppleCare support and have the option to pay for support on this issue!