iPhone 4 Power Button Stuck
iPhone 4, iOS 4
iPhone 4, iOS 4
Willard White wrote:
My button has been stuck for a while now. You can use it if you press really hard.
I still want it fixed though.
If they give you a new phone, do they transfer all the Apps & files from your existing one?
I took my phone to the Apple store last week, made a genius appointment online. They removed the back to see if the button was stuck, they found it was broken or badly damaged & issued me with a replacement there & then, my phone was 9 months old. It's worth backing your phone up before going as I erased at the store & exchanged there & then.
The Apple guys were great, can't fault their customer service in my case.
I have the same issue starting from two days ago. I have an appointment for them to look at it. It's still within the 1 year warranty, so hopefully it gets fixed or replaced.
Hi everyone, I'm glad to see mines not the only phone with lock button issues, mine has pushed right in and although it still works I really struggle to press it!
Some of the other posts talk about speaking to a genius? I'm obviously not one because it doesn't seem to let me speak to one from the uk? Do they exchange phones in the uk also? Thanks
Power button issues developed quickly on my phone. I never lost full functionality, but had to put a lot of effort into pushing the button to get any response. A quick trip into the Apple Store fixed the problem. The staff replicated the problem, couldn't fix it and issued me a new phone. In and out in about 15 minutes.
What really ***** is that this happened to BOTH of my iPhone 4s.... my original and my replacement issued to me from an Apple store.
Apple, denied my repair request due to me being 3 DAYS out of warranty...
now before i start complaining, i know they are not obligated to repair a phone out of warranty for free, but man come on.... 3 days!!!!!?
I work for Best Buy, and for something like that, we would take care of our customer.. all they had to do was look at the phone and see that there was NO physical damage to the device whatsoever, but its all good....
I've been loyal to the iPhone since 2007, and I'll most likely have another defective unit in my hands once iPhone 5 releases.
Hey when they issued you guys replacements do they give you the new iphone sealed in the box and everything. The reason I'm asking is becuase I just got the white iphone 4 and the lock button got stuck and I was wondering if when aple issues me a replacement if it would be possible to get the black iphone instead of the white. Thanks
Oh bummer, I'm in the Chicago area. How would you be able to get me a swap? Do you think apple will let me swap? I'm thinking they will find this kinda of odd, as I'm sure people ask to swap their black for a white. Do you think they will let me swap? Thanks for the help
My on/off button seems to be stuck or jammed. Just happened randomly. It was working fine one minute, and the next it was not. I think it's around a year old. Possibly less than a year, so hopefully it's still under warranty!
My iphone 4 is out of warranty since a couple of months. The power button is stuck and not functional at all anymore. It happened out of the blue. I checked with AT&T and in the Apple store. AT&T sends you straight to Apple. The only option I got from a genius was to do a "repair exchange" to a new iphone for $199. Pretty steep price for a button. And I don't understand why a simple button only lasts 14 months. Aren't they famous for their quality? I'm very disappointed.
This is ridiculous. I went to the store today and they told me the same thing. That is just great. My phone is out of warranty because I was one of the idiots who skipped work and spent all day sitting outside to get an iphone 4 on the first day, and because a crucial button just SUDDENLY stops working I'm suppose to pay 200 more dollars? Maybe if I dropped my phone and this happened, or I spilled something on it I would understand. But no, literally all of a sudden it just stops working. I don't know what kind of piece of crap product does that. The apple genius guy tells me that the part cannot be fixed on its own either. Thats great, so apple makes a product that has a defect that causes a crucial button to cease functioning at its own disposal and also makes it impossible to be repaired. I hope, I dont really hope but I kind of hope, that all of a sudden everyone elses buttons start suddenly failing and apple will be forced to address the issue.
iPhone 4 Power Button Stuck