Is it my graphics card that is causing the crash / freezing?
During the last week my computer has been freezing. Nothing changes on the screen but keyboard mouse unresponsive. If listening to music it makes a horrible sound when it crashes. Below are the 3 kernel reports i collected. They seem to point to the graphics card but i'm not an expert. I have about a month left on my warranty - be great if anyone could suggest what i should do.
I have the EXACT, and I mean almost verbatim, problem with my computer. I also have about a month remaining on my warranty, but the thing is I've already taken it to the apple store. Thanks to a very unhelpful employee named Ken, I was told that there was absolutely nothing wrong with my computer, but of course he didn't so much as take a look at the panic logs. So I was sent home to experience intermittent crashes over and over again. Here's my log...
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 608 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 1
Anonymous UUID: F71B231C-353D-49F0-8B98-48EC69AA95D7
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: WindowServer
I'd really love to know what I should do, since I believe I'm entitled to have this problem acknowledged and repaired under warranty. I don't know if they just don't feel like fixing it for me or what, but I don't want to get stuck with a bill I never should of had to pay.
I just brought it in again and patiently explained everything about the kernel panics, showed them the logs, told them that when I brought it in 6 months ago they didn't do anything and I've had to deal with the problem for a while.....
Response: You're Flash driver isn't up to date!
That would be great if it happend only when I was using flash, but that isn't the case. Am I just going to a bad apple store??? They seem so against admitting that I need a new logic board, they keep telling me that right now apple is still investigating and they can't do anything else for me at the moment. They actually told me to "stay off as many flash based websites as possible" I feel like I'm going to snap talking to these people.. Stay off of flash sites?!?!?! Really?
? How bout you make my computer work so that the $2000 dollars I paid you allows me to visit any site I **** well please, as frequently as I **** well please.
Somebody please tell me how to get them to live up to the conditions of the warranty, because this is the second time I've come in with the problem and each time they have some new ******** reason when it's obvious that it's just a faulty graphics card.
Sorry for the ranting.. this is just so unbelievably frustrating.
Call the Apple Care line and talk to someone there. They may send out a box to ship it to them, and once they get it, they'll run the diagnostic test on it, (hopefully) see the
**-up, and replace the logic board for you. Apple Store "geniuses" haven't been much help to me in the past and I usually have to send it in myself.
Case-in-point: My wife's optical drive got some smoothy on the felt, and it hardened it so it was either not ejecting discs or scratching them on the way in or out. We took it to the AS Genius Bar, and the guy looked at the computer with the tiny little scratches and a very small dent (caused by a zipper from the bag) by the battery lights, and said that it was severely damaged and Apple Care will not cover the optical drive. I gave him a few choice words and we left.
I called Apple Care, they sent a box, and we shipped it off like a month later. We got it back in THREE DAYS with a new optical drive and a new casing for sticky keys.
Sometimes it better to cut out the middleman (or woman) and just send it in.
I didn't realize you could cut the apple store out of the equation like that...
The only thing I'm worried about is that this problem is notorious for being undetectable by the apple hardware test. I've had it run at the store, and run both short and long versions myself at home to no avail. I've read other posts and apparently I'm not the only one with this problem, seems I'm just the only one who can't get apple to fix it for me.
So I believe that when I send it in, they'll just say their test found no problems and send it back.. Although if I can't come up with anything else it's definitely worth a shot.
Please let me know what happens when you take your computer to the apple store. I'd like to know if maybe I'm just being screwed over by a money hungry manager.
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: WebKitPluginHost
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 10.6.0: Wed Nov 10 18:13:17 PST 2010; root:xnu-1504.9.26~3/RELEASE_I386
System model name: MacBookPro6,2 (Mac-F22586C8)
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 10.6.0: Wed Nov 10 18:13:17 PST 2010; root:xnu-1504.9.26~3/RELEASE_I386
System model name: MacBookPro6,2 (Mac-F22586C8)