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Low battery life on iPod touch after installing iOS 4 (continued)

This thread is a continuation of http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2474499. The thread was becoming too long and some browsers were timing out.

MBP 2.4 with 4GB ram, Mac OS X (10.6.2), iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, Apple TV, iMac, MBP...

Posted on Mar 14, 2011 12:20 PM

126 replies

Mar 29, 2011 12:04 PM in response to vondy

Well I upgraded to 4.3.1 and yesterday was my first full day with it. I noramlly can get a day of use out of it without airplane mode. Yesterday I was down from full charge to 38% in just 7hours. I was out of the office for about 3 of those hours so I wasn't conected to any wi-fi. Today is about the same, I did go in and turn off in app purchases which did help some before the upgrade and it was turned back on after the upgread so we will se. Also I noticed that the wifi turns off while using the device it seems to cycle. 10 seconds on and 3 seconds off maybe this is an attempt to stretch the battery life. It can be anoying though if you happen to click a link in safari or switch to your email when the wifi is off you get a connection error.
I can't wait till this ipod finally dies, I will be buying another one but it wont be an apple brand. I have already oppted to purchase a device other than an Ipad because of this issue and the response from apple.

Mar 29, 2011 10:13 PM in response to dozzer90

Yes, let me correct my last post. The graphics glitch from push notifications is gone. But the issue of battery life is still a problem. I too am getting SERIOUS drain of the battery even from nonuse.

I even did the double click of the home button and push/hold one of the apps at the bottom and you can stop the app from running, doesn't help, battery stills gets low VERY quickly.

Mar 29, 2011 11:37 PM in response to therockchild

I've got an iTouch 32Gig (rev 3 I think) that took a huge battery life hit when I upgraded to iOS 4.x last summer. I'm always near my computer during the day so I haven't really bothered about battery performance but it would not last a day without a charge and seemingly had worse battery drain at night when it was supposed to be in sleep mode. If I left it for more than 12 hours without a synch it would run down and shut entirely off.

Yesterday after reading most of this thread and the one that preceded it, I turned off everything that pushed info onto my iTouch:
Facebook - went through all the options and turned everything off
Skype - Told it to log out when I shut it down (just in case)
EMail - Turned off all email checking, fetch data, etc...
Location Services - Off
Bluetooth - Off
Notifications - Off
Airplane Mode - Off (don't need it... That's not the solution)
Auto Brightness - On

Then in settings I went through all of my apps to make sure nothing was auto-updating via push or a fetching routine.

The last time my iTouch was on the USB charger/synch cable was yesterday morning probably 38 - 40 hours ago. I've watched about 1/2 hour of video, a little web browsing, about an hour using an interval timing app for running and a bunch of looking up contacts... Not a lot of action but pretty typical for my needs. I'm at about 75% capacity still.

I'll leave it like this for about a week to get used to the rate of discharge and then re-enable mobile me's locator service and maybe email fetching to see how it works.

For me the draining issue is resolved by turning off all of the apps that fetch data.


Mar 30, 2011 12:41 AM in response to Jason L

Seems like Apple doesn't care, so anyway I will post my entry here.

I'm already stated that for me only turning Push notifications off helps to save battery life.
With latest (for 2G ipods) iOS 4.2.1 nothing has changed. So I guess 5 iOS4 updates since summer didn't brought any fix and will never do.

I would wish to go back to 3.1.3 there I could use Push and my battery was ok, but again, I can't do that, because of the iTunes downgrade protection.

So, we have that we have. Turn Off Push to save your battery or turn Airplane mode On everytime you send iPod to sleep mode.

Mar 30, 2011 8:08 AM in response to awasson

If you turn off just about everything in your ipod touch, then your touch is not meeting the advertized features, making it almost worthless. apple must address this quick battery discharge situation or allow us to revert legally to ios 3.1.3, which had excellent battery life without turning anything off.

<Edited by Host>

Mar 30, 2011 8:38 AM in response to spwhiting@

So, this thread is too lenghty to read all the way through, but from what I gather, does having Airplane Mode On help with preserving battery life?

I've been turning off apps and notifications like crazy and enabling restrictions and so far I've seen some change,but not much. The battery is still draining faster than it used to or should.

Apple is being a pain in the butt with this thing. I love their Ipods, but with every new Ipod I get, seems the battery issues just get worse and worse. We are supposed to move forward technologically, not backwards!

Mar 30, 2011 5:23 PM in response to spwhiting@

A possible solution to the quick battery discharge is here: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-20048413-1.html

Absolutely not. I have never installed Ping or either my iPhone 4 nor my iPod Touch 2nd Gen. This problem is specifically with the 4.x update. The issue is that WiFi stays on in standby.

Has ios 4.3.1 improved the battery life even if all features are functional?

We are discussing the iPod and the latest/last? iOS (on 2nd Gen) is 4.2.1 (8C148).

This problem might be solved if more people would bother to complain to Apple at:

Mar 30, 2011 5:28 PM in response to Patita1

Airplane mode works perfectly for me.

It certainly does work... but that is not a fix. My wife uses the iPod, she knows how to engage the WiFi (after some coaxing) but there is no way I can ever get here to turn on Airplane mode when she is done.

The bigger picture here is that Apple destroyed a pleasant user experience with the iPod when they released iOS 4.x. Many users, who are not very computer literate, are not going to understand or want to shut off a setting in the Settings menu. This is an unacceptable solution!

This problem might be solved if more people would bother to complain to Apple at:

Another thread about this issue: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2799224&tstart=0

Mar 31, 2011 5:34 AM in response to sdc01

No, it's certainly not a fix. For me, a fix would be to go back to 3.1.3, but that is not possible. My 2nd gen iPod touch did everything I wanted it to do with 3.1.3, but I naively accepted iTunes' invitation to upgrade to 4.X. So for me, the only effective alternative now is airplane mode.

I did report this to Apple at
http://www.apple.com/feedback/ipodtouch.html, which seems to be a black hole.

Some people have written here that Apple reads all the messages on this board, and we know this is true because they immediately edit or delete ones they don't like. Now, maybe those Apple employees are just list-minders, as has been suggested here. But even so, if Apple has people reading this board, they cannot be unaware of the situation.

Mar 31, 2011 9:23 AM in response to Patita1

I usually delay (out of laziness lol) updating things as soon as an update is available. However, I don't know if anyone else encountered a similar problem, but I was almost "forced" into updating because, alot of updates for some of my apps were causing the apps to crash because they were not compatible with an older iOS. This is a very frustrating problem, along with the "automatic shuffling" crap with the music.

Apr 3, 2011 9:46 PM in response to Jason L

I have a 2G iPod Touch that has had the battery drain issue ever since I "upgraded" to iOS 4.1. I'm just wondering if anyone else has seen the same issue I have. I can do a "reset all settings" and my iPod goes back to normal battery life. My problem is that, anytime I play any game that tries to connect to the Apple servers using the Gamecenter app, the battery drain returns and requires me to do a new reset. No other applications or setting seem to cause problems. Is everyone who is still having battery drain problems also playing games on their iPod? Is Gamecenter the core issue?

Addendum: As suggested above, I submitted a bug report to Apple. Not getting my hopes up.

Message was edited by: franzkaiser

Low battery life on iPod touch after installing iOS 4 (continued)

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