Wrong Apple ID: How do I change the Apple ID prompt when Updating All Apps?
More details of my problem:
When I try the Apps' Update-All option in my iPod 4, the password dialogue prompts me with my girlfriend's Apple ID; YET, I AM signed in the Apple Store with MY own Apple ID.
I have already verified my ID under Settings/Store. I have also signed out, signing back in with my Apple ID, just in case. No problems there, for I DO sign in with my own ID ok. The problem is just the prompt dialogue for password, when I try to use the 'Update All' feature it prompts me for password with her ID, not mine.
If I go back to Apps and choose the Categories (or Top25) menu, at the bottom of the page, it shows me signed in (my Apple ID). If I try to update one Apps it will do ok. But if I try to Update All it will prompt me for password using her ID, waiting for me to type in HER password. I cannot change the Apple ID on that dialogue (static). If I use my password, it will return the "wrong password" dialogue.
How can I change the prompt for the Update All? What is going on here that I AM signed in but my iPod prompts me with her ID. My iPod is registered under my Apple ID. I have already tried the Hard reset by pressing Home and Power buttons simultaneously, to no avail. I am also using my own network to go Online. I am also with the latest OS in my iPod and my Mac's iTunes.
Thank you!
PS This problem is not occurring in my iPhone 4 (same account) nor my Macs.
iMac, MacBook, iPhone 4, iPod touch 4, Mac OS X (10.6.5), intel core 2 duo