iCloud and my 3G phone
Whats future of iphone 3g with iCloud?
Can we use calendar, @me.com and other fuctionals? What other functionals ll be availible? Thanx.
iPhone 3G, iOS 4.2
Whats future of iphone 3g with iCloud?
Can we use calendar, @me.com and other fuctionals? What other functionals ll be availible? Thanx.
iPhone 3G, iOS 4.2
It is unlikely that a future exists as iCloud, based on what I saw is tied to iOS5.
Since the 3G does not get iOS5, there is no future for it.
Time to upgrade that 3 year old device. 😉
Many thanks for all the information, in summary :
1° Move to iCloud on a Mac
2° Wipe your MM-acount from your iPhone
Mail :
Add Mail Account
Name : your name
Address : your MM addresss
Description : whatever you want
Incoming Mail Server
Host Name : p99-imap.mail.me.com
User Name : part before "@me.com" (surname.name)
Password : your MM password
Outgoing Mail Server
SMTP : smtp.me.com
You can find these info on your Mac in Mail - Preferences - Account.
Address Book make a CardDAV account :
Server : p01-caldav.icloud.com
User Name : your MM address
Password : your MM password
Description : choose something
iCal make a CalDAV account :
Server : p01-caldav.icloud.com
User Name : your MM address
Password : your MM password
Description : choose something
With these settings it worked for me; many thanks to all helpers!
Is there anyway to see pictures about the way to set icloud caldav and contacts parameters.
I have an iphone 3G running IOS 3 and I set icloud mail without any difficulty.
With Contacts and Caldav, it is an other story and I didn't succeed.
I tried several time :
For contacts :
p04-contacts.icloud.com (same with p01-P02…)
Apple Id : xxxxx (without @me.com and with)
Password : pppppp (Apple Mobileme)
and finally : description
Then the iPhone answer : Impossible to connect. Do you want to go on without SSL. I change SSL by 443 by it doesn't work and put it ON.
The same thing with the calendar :
p04-caldav.icloud.com (same with p01-P02…)
I probably did something wrong, but I did not find out the point. Does your iphone
I tried several times to follow the methods here but couldn't get the contacts and calendar to synch. I would manage to set up the accounts but no contacts or calendar items would sync. I managed to finally do it by discovering a new method.
Here are the steps to get the iPhone 3g to sync calendar and contacts with iCloud.
1. Set up the CardDav and CalDav accounts by going to settings and choosing new account/other
like described above:
Address Book make a CardDAV account :
Server : contacts.icloud.com
User Name : MM address
Password : MM password
Description : choose something
iCal make a CalDAV account :
Server : caldav.icloud.com
User Name : MM address
Password : MM password
Description : choose something
Now, if you are in the same situation as me, your iPhone 3G will not sync any contacts or calendar items. but you might notice that iPhone had changed the server address to p02-contacts.icloud.com or something like that. That's good because that means that there is something on the other side of the net.
To finally make the phone sync you need to go to the CardDav settings --> click advanced --> click on the extended server address bar (starts with https:// and ends with /principal) --> select all --> copy it --> go back to the previous settings window (the one with your login info and server address bar) --> paste the extended server address to the server address box and click Done.
You should be ready to go. Repeat the same for calendar settings.
It worked for me after hours of fruitless fiddling with the settings.
Could you add pictures ?
Posted once already but the post got deleted (strange).
Here is how after hours of fiddling I managed to get my iPhone 3G sync with iCloud calendars and address book.
For calendar sync.
1. Go to Settings/Mail, Contacts, Calendars/Add Account.../other/CalDav
2. Type the following settings:
Server: caldav.icloud.com
User Name: your @me.com address
Password: your MM password
Description: Contacts iCloud
3. press Done and wait. The verification can take some time. After that you will have a new CalDav account. If you are lucky it will sync and you are home. If you are like me it will not sync. We need to make one adjustment.
4. Go to your new CaldDav account settings. You may notice that the server name has been changed to p02-caldav.icloud.com or something like that (p01, p03 etc.). That's good. We want that.
5. Now tap on "Advanced Settings" and copy the Account URL (all of it: from https:// ... to principal).
6. go back to your CalDav account click on Server. Delete the current address ("p0x-caldav.icloud.com") and paste the address you copied from advanced settings. Hit Done and wait for verification. Now it should sync.
Fllow the same procedure for contacts with one difference - in step 2 you type contacts.icloud.com as server address.
Hope it works for you. It worked for me and I verified that the accounts sync both ways. Good luck.
Message was edited by: mac13k The previous post reappeared. Sorry for double posting.
I don't understand it doesn't work.
Could you just let me know exactly what parameters you have ?
My parameters are :
Server : p04-caldav.icloud.com (where 4 seams to be the rigth value, In find it in iTunes when i tried to sync calendar)
User name : <MobileMe Account> @me.com
password : xxxxx
Description : any
then in Advance Setup :
Port : 443
URL address : https://p04-caldav.icloud.com:443/principals/users/<MobileMe Account>%40me.com
Can you please do the same for Contacts ?
Thank you for your help
Generally posts are deleted because they violate the TOU. If they are speculation, talking about something that is illegal or impolite those or the most typical reasons for deleteion.
My post had non of these as you can see. I've noticed though that there is a delay between posting and when the entry is actually visible. I thought that it has been deleted, but it reappeared.
Just copy the address from advanced settings and paste it to the server address box. Hit Done. It worked for me.
mac13k, You are great! Your solution worked perfectly for me regarding the iCal and Address Book. Are you having any problems with Mail? I have tried every comination of settings that I've seen posted and none of them have worked for me. I have also tried the settings in Apple's support document #HT4864. They do not work. Do yu have any suggestions to get iCloud Mail working on the iPhone 3G?
Thank You!
Email was pretty straightforward. I followed instructions from one of the websites (can't remember which one). It worked right away.
I did somehting like this:
go to Settings/Mail, Contacts, Calendars/Add Account.../Other/Add Mail Account
Fill out the four boxes:
Name: your name
Address: xxxxxxxxxx@me.com (your MobileMe address)
Password: your MobileMe password
Description: iCloud Mail
Now select the IMAP account
User Name: xxxxxxxxxx (your MobileMe address but without @me.com)
Password: your MM password
Server: smtp.me.com
It worked for me right away (with push email) so I may be a lucky one.
Which IOS do you run on your Iphone 3G ?
I have 3.1.3 and I tried several time following your instructions but with no success.
I may reinstall the OS.
I have 4.2.1
I can only confirm that this is the version of iOS that my solution applies to.
Got my mail working fine, and calendar sync is also running like a champ.
Contacts syncing with iCloud still a no-go. I've set it up as was done above. I've also (1) completely deleted my MobileMe account to avoid potential conflicts, (2) tried switching the CardDav account off and back on several times, (3) turned the iPhone completely off and restarted. No luck.
I may try a hard reset later today. Worst case scenario, I suppose I could use iTunes to sync my contacts instead of cloud syncing. iTunes still offers that option, yes?
Any other suggestions are welcome.
You can always do it with iTunes but you can only sync contacts that are on your Mac. With iCloud enabled that means that you have to copy all contacts to the "On my Mac" folder in Address Book. The problem with that is that you will have double entries and also the Birthday calendar will be duplicated. It is generally a less elegant solution.
The best way would be to try to sync with iCloud directly. Make sure that your contacts in Address Book are on the iCloud (go to Preferences/General to check if iCloud is the default account and to Preferences/Accounts to check if iCloud is enabled). Click also on the red ribbon in Address Book to see if the contacts are on the iCloud.
Then follow the procedure I described above (you need to copy the full server address into the server box to make it work).
It should sync. Please mind that it seems that the servers are still acting up. For example before I figured out the way to sync I would occasionally get the calendar to sync but only one way and it was inconsistent.
iCloud and my 3G phone