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Will OSX Lion still support FCP Studio?

With the disaster that FCP X is turning out to be, is there any indication as to whether or not any versions of FCP Studio will still work with OS X Lion? I have a sneaking suspicion that it will not, considering the approach Apple has taken with the FCP X release, but I haven't heard anything definitive yet. I'm hoping Apple will come out with some kind of statement regarding FCP X soon, because the way this release has been handled is absolutely bizzare. If there is no intention of continuing to support the professional community, just say so, and everyone can move on to something else.

Final Cut Pro 7, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

Posted on Jun 22, 2011 11:06 AM

217 replies

Aug 5, 2011 12:36 PM in response to Tom Wolsky

yawn. why did you waste your time with that answer? $30 bucks. It was cheap enough to see for myself. It was a gamble I know.

I'm more mad that everyone is being forced in this direction. Soon the FCP 7+ crowed will be forced to go with either a new editing package or spend $229 on FCPX and no one wants that app as it stands. Forced obsolecence folks!

So what about spending $1200+ on software with $500 upgrades only to be paved over by the same company? Sure the new FCPX is $229 for what is basically an upgrade to iMovie. It really doesn't make sens to follow along this fake upgrade path when everything in version 5 works perfectly. FCPX isn't even comatible at all with existing projects Just not cool anyway you look at it.

Chopper UNO- FCP5 won't start under lion so it's plug ins are useless. Soundtrack livetype and motion that shipped with 5 are all toast under Lion.

All I ask is for the tools we spend cash on work regardless of the bogus argument that PowerPC programs have old code and will be shelved for new code. A bogus claim because it's ALL code and code can be written to work together. If Apple wants to stick to that story then patches or upgrades to the new code should be free or near free when major paradigm shifts occur. Otherwise we are getting paved over by the very company we invested in.

Tools need to work. Apple may see it as the upgradable software business model, I see at as hammers and nails. FCP5 was a great hammer then the company started making plastic hammers and claiming they were better. Only $500 more so you can experience the joys of building a house with a plastic hammer. No thanks.

Aug 5, 2011 12:47 PM in response to Captain Chaos

Hi Captain Chaos,

As much as I appreciate your response, my comments were directed to other mac users that are curently running it without issues with FCStudio6 - this community isn't really geared for you, as you are on FCStudio5 - shame on you for installing Lion - Lion clearly states that it's compatible with FCP7 with all upgrades.... See link below:

http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4769 ... Studio 5 Users should not attempt the install! So stop your whining mr. Chaos ;-)

My questions are directed to users that have FCP 7.0.3 , I am just wondering how it's running. I am almost done with my latest video project and would like to upgrade sometime in the very near future. I have heard some things about plug ins and effects being greyed out - just wondering which ones? hopefully nothing that is part of the stock fcp.....

Thanks to everyone for their continued support and comments.


Aug 5, 2011 12:49 PM in response to Captain Chaos

A bogus claim because it's ALL code and code can be written to work together.

That's crap. And even if you can shoehorn dead code into the OS that's how you end up with bloatware. That was Windows problem until they realized they had to move on.

If Apple wants to stick to that story then patches or upgrades to the new code should be free or near free when major paradigm shifts occur.

That's just ridiculous. You bought a computer; you bought software. It works for you. Why should any company keep supporting it beyond its life. Ford doesn't keep making Fairlanes. It doesn't upgrade Fairlanes.

Nobody's paving you over. You have a computer and you have the software. Use it. Nobody forces you to spend any more money or do anything to your working system unless you want to. If you want to trade in your Fairlane, Ford is not going to give you a new improved, better gas mileage, electronically controlled Fairlane. If you decide you want to trade it in, you have to buy what they're selling now.

If you have a perfectly good working system that you're happy with, don't change it. That's just stupid.

Aug 5, 2011 2:13 PM in response to Tom Wolsky

While I agree with all you have said, I would like to point out that if you go to the Apple web page


and any of the subsequent linking pages:




and even


There is not a single warning (that I can find) that legacy software is not supported. This reminds me of a car parts catalog that used to advertise replacement parts as "Fits perfectly - No Drilling Required" and when you got the part, you would find out that indeed, no drilling was required, but welding was.


Aug 5, 2011 2:46 PM in response to Captain Chaos

Why is the inability to upgrade to Lion considered "forced obsolescence?" Did Snow Leopard suddenly stop working? Leopard? TIGER? Why does the release of FCP X make people think that FCP 7 no longer works?

That's sheer poppycock.

Snow Leopard still works, and works well. It allows me to connect to the internet...run web browsers, retrieve email, run FCP, run all the apps I need to run. Heck, so does Leopard and Tiger. They all still allow use of web tools and applications...CURRENT web apps and applications. (well, some require leopard or snow leopard). And FCP 7 still works with current camera tech and delivery workflows.

No one is forcing you to upgrade to LION. And just because you don't doesn't mean you are running an obsolete machine. I have an early 2008 MacPro that is running VERY well, and running current applications (and Snow leopard) very well. It is far from obsolete. But expecting to get 6 year old software, FCP 5, that was designed for different processors entirely, will run just fine on current tech and OS is expecting too much. Computer companies look forward, not backwards. If you want to run the old apps...stick to the OS that works.

RULE #1: If it works, don't break it. If you have a smooth working system, especially if you rely on that system to make a living...DO NOT CHANGE IT IN ANY WAY! Don't update anything, don't upgrade anything. Leave it alone! If you feel you must upgrade, or get the latest and greatest OS, then take precautions that will ensure that if things don't work out, you can always go back to what works. I explain how to do that here:


You only have yourself to blame Chaos. You didn't research properly, or take precautions...or stick with what worked. You just saw that the new OS was out, assumed that it meant your old system is obsolete if you didn't have it...and broke things. And then blamed someone else for your mishap.

Aug 5, 2011 11:28 PM in response to Shane Ross

FCPX neeed to happen.

Apple have given us all a wake up call.

This isn't the first time Apple has done this... and it won't be the last!

The level of stupidity shown by some 'commentators' on this site, shows, to me, the level of IQ and common sense they have - which seems to be zero in some cases.

Moving to Media Composer or Premier Pro? Good luck!!!

Now its time to take a reality check...

Good day!

http://fcp.co/final-cut-pro/news/512-evan-schectmann-talks-sense-about-fcpxs-his tory-features-and-future

Aug 6, 2011 3:13 AM in response to mishmumken

First of all, why the he-double-hockeysticks are you posting this here, black sun? This is a thread about Final Cut STUDIO on Lion, nothing whatsoever to do with FCX.

But since you did post this here, His timeline is a little off, but no biggie - The difference between Apple's other transitions and FCX is this - When Apple transitioned from 68000 processors to PPC, they provided backwards compatibility. When OSX shipped, it RAN OS 9 inside it - backwards compatibility. Apple also shipped OS9 and OSX alongside each other to allow people to transition. FCP3 shipped with OS9 and OSX versions. When Apple transitioned to Intel, Rosetta let Intel processors run PPC code. When FCX shipped, Apple dropped FCP and provided NO transition, no backwards compatibility.

- He conveniently left RED camera support. Half the stuff I work on has been shot on RED.

- OMF exporting to Pro Tools? $500 add on by a third party. So NO, sorry, he doesn't get to cross that off his list.

- EDL, when was the last time I used an EDL? The last national commercial I cut - Scion Zeus. And guess what? I'll need to export an EDL again for the next round of them. Why? Because high end productions are a collaboration, not a pretty little walled garden where all effects are handled inside FCX. Sorry. FCX is NOT Flame or Smoke or Nuke. So, he may make fun of EDLs and compare them to a floppy drive, but for me - it's essential.

- Tape support. Sorry - He may say that hardware manufacturers would do it better, but that's baloney. If I want to recapture my edit, the editing software KNOWS what clips I need. That's its JOB. THAT is why it needs to be inside the software.

- No viewer window. The skimmer took its place. Except no ganging - no ability to compare. If you didn't use it, I suppose you won't miss it. But it was a very powerful tool that I used all the time.

- The Events window is NOT a string out - a string out is not ALL the footage - it's selects.

- He says you can go down to the sample level with audio now, as though you couldn't do that before. But you could go down to subframe and set keyframes and levels in FCP just fine, thanks.

- Edit tools - nice, but in FCX you can't edit with the keyboard only, you have to double click.

- Audio Sync - great. But when I used it, it didn't work unless I held its hand and selected the audio range first. After working for a long time, it failed miserably. Plural Eyes took the same material and synced it all properly within minutes.

- External hardware - video cards like Decklink and AJA - Apple shipped FCX without even the API to do it. The "beta" drivers are hacks- they just use software to make the OS think that the Decklink/AJA card is a second desktop monitor and sends that out. And because it's a hack, and because FCX can only send to ONE other monitor, you can only use it if you are using only one computer monitor.

- He may poo-poo being unable being able to open FCP 7 or push it off to third parties, or excuse Apple for "****** if you do and ****** if you don't" but Apple could have made a "best effort". Apple COULD have actually done something smart and fully supported FCP projects - EVEN old effects. But they said screw it. We don't care.

So - nice ideas in FCX. But his presentation basically took my list of problems and said they don't matter.

Just like Apple did.

Will OSX Lion still support FCP Studio?

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