Please help me slash to create a CLEAN(er) 'clean' install package...
These are the kernel extensions which are loaded with both the Netboot Image and the AppStore package.
I have a new Intel MacBook Air 13". Not sure why I need ATI or Nividia graphics on my MacBook but I have no need for modifications or 'upgrades'. I need to downgrade the ridiculous OS installation package, because 260,000 files is more than I need. I think I need less than 5000 but I hope to see.
Can you help me rip the junk out of the thing? In Red, are things I'm 95% certain I don't need. The Black ones, I'm unsure about. I got a lot more lists coming. And comments or advice appreciated..
- ATI1300Controller.kext
- ATI1600Controller.kext
- ATI1900Controller.kext
- ATI2400Controller.kext
- ATI2600Controller.kext
- ATI3800Controller.kext
- ATI4600Controller.kext
- ATI4800Controller.kext
- ATI5000Controller.kext
- ATI6000Controller.kext
- ATIFramebuffer.kext
- ATIRadeonX1000.kext
- ATIRadeonX1000GA.plugin
- ATIRadeonX1000GLDriver.bundle
- ATIRadeonX1000VADriver.bundle
- ATIRadeonX2000.kext
- ATIRadeonX2000GA.plugin
- ATIRadeonX2000GLDriver.bundle
- ATIRadeonX2000VADriver.bundle
- ATIRadeonX3000.kext
- ATIRadeonX3000GA.plugin
- ATIRadeonX3000GLDriver.bundle
- ATIRadeonX3000VADriver.bundle
- ATISupport.kext
- ATTOCelerityFC.kext
- ATTOCelerityFC8.kext
- ATTOExpressPCI4.kext
- ATTOExpressSASHBA.kext
- ATTOExpressSASHBA2.kext
- ATTOExpressSASRAID.kext
- ATTOExpressSASRAID2.kext
- Accusys6xxxx.kext
- Apple16X50Serial.kext
- AppleACPIPlatform.kext
- AppleAHCIPort.kext
- AppleAPIC.kext
- AppleAVBAudio.kext
- AppleBMC.kext
- AppleBacklight.kext
- AppleBacklightExpert.kext
- AppleBluetoothMultitouch.kext
- AppleEFIRuntime.kext
- AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless.kext
- AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib.kext
- AppleFWAudio.kext
- AppleFileSystemDriver.kext
- AppleGraphicsControl.kext
- AppleGraphicsPowerManagement.kext
- AppleHDA.kext
- AppleHIDKeyboard.kext
- AppleHIDMouse.kext
- AppleHPET.kext
- AppleHWSensor.kext
- AppleIRController.kext
- AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext
- AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient.kext
- AppleIntelGMA950.kext
- AppleIntelGMA950GA.plugin
- AppleIntelGMA950GLDriver.bundle
- AppleIntelGMA950VADriver.bundle
- AppleIntelGMAX3100.kext
- AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext
- AppleIntelGMAX3100GA.plugin
- AppleIntelGMAX3100GLDriver.bundle
- AppleIntelGMAX3100VADriver.bundle
- AppleIntelHD3000Graphics.kext
- AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGA.plugin
- AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGLDriver.bundle
- AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsVADriver.bundle
- AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext
- AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext
- AppleIntelHDGraphicsGA.plugin
- AppleIntelHDGraphicsGLDriver.bundle
- AppleIntelHDGraphicsVADriver.bundle
- AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext
- AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext
- AppleIntelSNBVA.bundle
- AppleKeyStore.kext
- AppleKeyswitch.kext
- AppleLPC.kext
- AppleLSIFusionMPT.kext
- AppleMCCSControl.kext
- AppleMCEDriver.kext
- AppleMCP89RootPortPM.kext
- AppleMIDIFWDriver.plugin
- AppleMIDIIACDriver.plugin
- AppleMIDIRTPDriver.plugin
- AppleMIDIUSBDriver.plugin
- AppleMatch.kext
- AppleMikeyHIDDriver.kext
- AppleMobileDevice.kext
- AppleMultitouchDriver.kext
- ApplePlatformEnabler.kext
- AppleRAID.kext
- AppleRAIDCard.kext
- AppleRTC.kext
- AppleSDXC.kext
- AppleSEP.kext
- AppleSMBIOS.kext
- AppleSMBusController.kext
- AppleSMBusPCI.kext
- AppleSMC.kext
- AppleSMCLMU.kext
- AppleSRP.kext
- AppleSmartBatteryManager.kext
- AppleStorageDrivers.kext
- AppleThunderboltDPAdapters.kext
- AppleThunderboltEDMService.kext
- AppleThunderboltNHI.kext
- AppleThunderboltPCIAdapters.kext
- AppleThunderboltUTDM.kext
- AppleTyMCEDriver.kext
- AppleUSBAudio.kext
- AppleUSBDisplays.kext
- AppleUSBEthernetHost.kext
- AppleUSBMultitouch.kext
- AppleUSBTopCase.kext
- AppleUpstreamUserClient.kext
- AppleVADriver.bundle
- AppleWWANAutoEject.kext
- AppleXsanFilter.kext
- Apple_iSight.kext
- AudioAUUC.kext
- AudioIPCDriver.kext
- BJUSBLoad.kext
- BootCache.kext
- CalDigitHDProDrv.kext
- CellPhoneHelper.kext
- CoreStorage.kext
- DSACL.ppp
- DSAuth.ppp
- DVFamily.bundle
- Dont Steal Mac OS X.kext
- EAP-KRB.ppp
- EAP-RSA.ppp
- EAP-TLS.ppp
- EPSONUSBPrintClass.kext
- GeForce.kext
- GeForce7xxx.kext
- GeForce7xxxGA.plugin
- GeForce7xxxGLDriver.bundle
- GeForce7xxxVADriver.bundle
- GeForceGA.plugin
- GeForceGLDriver.bundle
- GeForceVADriver.bundle
- HighPointIOP.kext
- HighPointRR.kext
- HighPointRR644.kext
- IO80211Family.kext
- IOACPIFamily.kext
- IOAHCIFamily.kext
- IOATAFamily.kext
- IOAVBFamily.kext
- IOAudio2Family.kext
- IOAudioFamily.kext
- IOBDStorageFamily.kext
- IOBluetoothFamily.kext
- IOBluetoothHIDDriver.kext
- IOCDStorageFamily.kext
- IODVDStorageFamily.kext
- IOFireWireAVC.kext
- IOFireWireFamily.kext
- IOFireWireIP.kext
- IOFireWireSBP2.kext
- IOFireWireSerialBusProtocolTransport.kext
- IOGraphicsFamily.kext
- IOHDIXController.kext
- IOHIDFamily.kext
- IONDRVSupport.kext
- IONetworkingFamily.kext
- IOPCIFamily.kext
- IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext
- IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily.kext
- IOSCSIParallelFamily.kext
- IOSMBusFamily.kext
- IOSerialFamily.kext
- IOStorageFamily.kext
- IOStreamFamily.kext
- IOSurface.kext
- IOThunderboltFamily.kext
- IOTimeSyncFamily.kext
- IOUSBFamily.kext
- IOUSBMassStorageClass.kext
- IOUserEthernet.kext
- IOVideoFamily.kext
- JMicronATA.kext
- L2TP.ppp
- NVDAGF100Hal.kext
- NVDANV40HalG7xxx.kext
- NVDANV50Hal.kext
- NVDAResman.kext
- NVDAResmanG7xxx.kext
- NVSMU.kext
- OSvKernDSPLib.kext
- PPP.kext
- PPPSerial.ppp
- PPPoE.ppp
- PPTP.ppp
- PromiseSTEX.kext
- Quarantine.kext
- Radius.ppp
- SM56KUSBAudioFamily.kext
- SMARTLib.plugin
- SMCMotionSensor.kext
- Sandbox.kext
- SoftRAID.kext
- System.kext
- TMSafetyNet.kext
- acfs.kext
- acfsctl.kext
- autofs.kext
- cd9660.kext
- cddafs.kext
- exfat.kext
- iPodDriver.kext
- mcxalr.kext
- msdosfs.kext
- ntfs.kext
- smbfs.kext
- triggers.kext
- udf.kext
- webcontentfilter.kext
- webdav_fs.kext
- ALF.kext
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)