CUI CUI CUI error 10.7.3 all apps crashes
Just updated to 10.7.3 and everything crashes. All apps all windows will just pop out error with CUI CUI CUI CUI on all bottom!!!:(
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 2011 i5 2.3GHz
Just updated to 10.7.3 and everything crashes. All apps all windows will just pop out error with CUI CUI CUI CUI on all bottom!!!:(
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 2011 i5 2.3GHz
As Expected! You the Man!
Installed fine with the combo update on my original hard drive but not on my SSD drive, apparently I that has something to do with the problem.
.......that has something to do with the problem.
What problem?
The original. Title of this thread. Not trying to be funny,
I have a macbook Pro late 2008 & Same Problem. Everything Crashes & i get those Ugly CUI ???? .
What can the combo update pack do ?
Thanks for your help
I used the combo update and STILL- my mac booted frozen. Can't do ANYTHING. Not even force quit.
Anyone else has his happen?
What can the combo update pack do ?
Fix the problem!
my mac booted frozen.
What does that mean?
Restart >Command R will bring you to restore. Apple will then restore your system with 10.7.3
Safari 5.1.3 do feel faster. I agree 🙂
I don't find much different because Lion has always worked great for me. But maybe Apple might think about making the Combo Update the default update in software update ?
I think I'll go back do Snow Leo... 10.6.8 was perfect... i can loose the Fullscreen pps... not worth it.
......yeah same here,
Just apply Combo-Update
great service???? if you have to reinstall eveything and use time machine to get everything back. What do you call custumer service?
Great!!! Now i can update my MBA...thanks
CUI CUI CUI error 10.7.3 all apps crashes