CUI CUI CUI error 10.7.3 all apps crashes
Just updated to 10.7.3 and everything crashes. All apps all windows will just pop out error with CUI CUI CUI CUI on all bottom!!!:(
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 2011 i5 2.3GHz
Just updated to 10.7.3 and everything crashes. All apps all windows will just pop out error with CUI CUI CUI CUI on all bottom!!!:(
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 2011 i5 2.3GHz
Darren wrote:
How this didnt get picked up by Devs in the latest build is strange. I'm running desktop iMAC, not macbook and had the same problems.
Head in the sand Apple will blame everyone's hardware (if they make any comment at all)
Not impressed with the time wasted to restore and then install the combo update.
I know someone who didn't have any problems with their previous builds but then when they updated their main machine, this CUI CUI CUI problem hit them too. It's like the Developers were testing this on "Clean" installs of OS X without many third party Apps. But then the problem starts up when updating with the Main, or User Machines or Partitions.
yeah same here, I thought I screwed up somewhere on the line. Used Time Machine to go back, used disk utility to check to see any potential problem. Then use Apple Update to update system. BOOM, CUI CUI again, every apps crash at first sight even About This Mac cause Log out every time. This is madness. I'm using Lion 10.7.2 Macbook Pro 15" Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 NVIDIA128MB late 2007.
vea1083 wrote:
boyfromoz wrote:
I don't find much different because Lion has always worked great for me. But maybe Apple might think about making the Combo Update the default update in software update ?
They can do that, or set SU to download the full Delta update. This is the first time since I am on Mac where the Delta update has brought issues as well, but most of the time Delta Updates are safe.
In this case however, the issue seems to be more consistent with people upgrading their Macs with the 10.7.3 Software Update version, which is specially tailored for the user's Mac and take (or puts) bits and pieces of the update depending on the user's current system configuration. I find this behavior is often problematic and it has been proven from time to time during each maintenance release of OSX. I used to have a 7-day rule before installing some updates but due to the little stability in OSX Lion it has served as a incentive to bypass that rule and change it to a 2-day update cool-off rule. I think Apple got it mostly right in 10.7.2 & 10.7.3. if these updates can be used as an indicator it seems to me that the subsequent 10.7.4 and 10.7.5 updates will be also massive in size as bugs continue to be squashed by the Apple Developer team; and I think we might see a 10.7.9 or 10.7.10 if the next iteration of OSX (known as 10.8, so far) is released in the 2013 Summer/Fall timeframe. I hope that my Mac's reliability and stability improves with the current Lion update and there are indications so far that this is the case.
I take this statement back! My MacBook Pro just froze about 1 hour ago due to the now infamoust DumpGPURestart message. It seems that Apple will not get Lion right! I think people will need to move to social media to force Apple's hand.
I joined this Facebook Group!
Pay different (no longer think)
I agreed to pay more to get reliable product. I was one of the lucky ones to get "cuicui" message - it didn't make me hilarious at all. I guess Apple is no longer as trustworthy as it used to be, more and more updates, more end more crashes, it gets closer and closer to Microsoft, just that the price is different.
Gil who is so disappointed
I am another user affected by the CUI message and all my apps crashes. I can not open finder. Luckily just Chrome is working for me after several crashes. No way for me to install combo update. I could try through terminal but I want an Apple solution. It is takiing quite long time to them.
Is Apple taking actions about this?
Software Update is now using the Combo Updater instead of the Delta Updater. That should resolve most if not all future updates.
mr.recordman wrote:
I am another user affected by the CUI message and all my apps crashes. I can not open finder. Luckily just Chrome is working for me after several crashes. No way for me to install combo update. I could try through terminal but I want an Apple solution. It is takiing quite long time to them.
Is Apple taking actions about this?
If you have another Mac, I would put your affected Mac in Target Disk Mode and install the Combo Updater from the second Mac via FireWire. That worked well for me when I couldn't do anything with my CUI ??? affected second Mac. That was a lot faster than the first iMac that I did, which was a 10 Hour Time Machine restore back to Mac OS X 10.7.2 then running the Combo Updater from there.
If you don't have a second Mac, then I would suggest the recovery disk mode, and follow these directions:
Scroll down and do the recovery disk option. (Or try the other options if you can!)
Rebooted from external HD, downloaded 10.7.3 combo update and installed it. Now everything works. Amazing that this bug was not caught before release.
One lesson I learned always keep a backup drive handy to be able to start from if something would go wrong. But maybe I should just always install combo updates in the future.
Maybe I am not too good with terminal. I followed the instructions of Recovery Disk Mode but I gon an erro with target, something like "not such file or directory could be found" I wrote the name of HD that is affected but it seems that i am doing something else wrong.
Any suggestions?
Robert Engstrom wrote:
Rebooted from external HD, downloaded 10.7.3 combo update and installed it. Now everything works. Amazing that this bug was not caught before release.
One lesson I learned always keep a backup drive handy to be able to start from if something would go wrong. But maybe I should just always install combo updates in the future.
Ah, yet another option. Booting from an external drive, and installing to the internal drive of the affected Mac while running the OS X of the external drive.
Also, if you have another Mac, you can just put that in Target Disk Mode, and Boot from that as if it were a Bootable external Drive.
GatorTPK wrote:
Software Update is now using the Combo Updater instead of the Delta Updater. That should resolve most if not all future updates.
How can you say this? Where have you seen this info? I must update my MBA 13", and I'm waiting the solving of this issue...thanks
mr.recordman wrote:
Maybe I am not too good with terminal. I followed the instructions of Recovery Disk Mode but I gon an erro with target, something like "not such file or directory could be found" I wrote the name of HD that is affected but it seems that i am doing something else wrong.
Any suggestions?
Remember, when typing commands in the terminal you have to type everything exactly including every space (or no space). If the name of the HD is more than one word (has a space in it) put quotes around it. Like "Macintosh HD" instead of Macintosh\ HD. In the terminal you can represent spaces in a volume name with the backward slash (\) as in the example but I think "Macintosh HD" is easier. Especially if your volume isn't named that as in the example.
Again, remember type everything exactly the same including the spaces, and when typing the Volume name, put it in Quotes. It's also case sensitive. i.e. don't type "macintosh hd" instead of "Macintosh HD". Actually, I just tested that, and sometimes it may not be case sensitive. But to be on the safe side, keep the same case.
giuliospinozzi wrote:
Great!!! Now i can update my MBA...thanks
I would still recommend the stand alone update though! I haven't tried the Software Update since Apple started using the "Combined" Update, but I assume it will more likely work better.
But, again, use the Stand Alone Combo Update! Apparently, it has always been the recommended way of updating, especially something major. The "Software Update..." is just an easier way.
Gator TPK wrote:
giuliospinozzi wrote:
Great!!! Now i can update my MBA...thanks
I would still recommend the stand alone update though! I haven't tried the Software Update since Apple started using the "Combined" Update, but I assume it will more likely work better.
But, again, use the Stand Alone Combo Update! Apparently, it has always been the recommended way of updating, especially something major. The "Software Update..." is just an easier way.
No, hardly anybody recommends the stand alone update over the Combo Update. The stand alone from Software update has been the problem all along. Even Apple have said this. The Combo Update is always the preferable option even though it is always a bit bigger than the stand alone. Where did you get this infomation from?
@ Gator TPK
Well i got other error now. Sorry I am quite useless for this.
I get the error: Invalid option: -pkg /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ 10.7.3\ Update\ Combo/MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.pkg -target
Then another error that says Usage: installer a nd a lot of info between brakcets.
The last sentence says: -target [Domainkey|MountPoint|DiskIdentifier|DeviceNode|UUID]>
😟 more help please
In my case this bug hit me especially hard and you'll learn why in a minute. Here is what I have and more importantly what I don't have:
1. Early 2008 17inch MacBook Pro
2. Cui, Cui, Cui
3. Internet
4. Thumb Drive with Combo Updater
Dont have:
1. A current Time Machine Bachup: It's not very old but I was sent one live changingly important email that I would lose.
2. Target Disc mode: I disabled this a long time ago to enable and support installation of one of these theft protection tools that help you find and get a hold of a stolen Mac.
2. Second Mac.
3. Lions second HDD partition: I had to get rid of this because of a stupid bug in the BootCamp
4. Free space on Time Machine HDD to make a new backup.
I can boot the Machine and access data on the Desktop with Quicklook but any app I tested so far crashed includ Safari and Finder.
Now you know why I got hit especially hard. Does anyone see any options for me?
CUI CUI CUI error 10.7.3 all apps crashes