CUI CUI CUI error 10.7.3 all apps crashes
Just updated to 10.7.3 and everything crashes. All apps all windows will just pop out error with CUI CUI CUI CUI on all bottom!!!:(
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 2011 i5 2.3GHz
Just updated to 10.7.3 and everything crashes. All apps all windows will just pop out error with CUI CUI CUI CUI on all bottom!!!:(
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 2011 i5 2.3GHz
mr.recordman wrote:
@ Gator TPK
Well i got other error now. Sorry I am quite useless for this.
I get the error: Invalid option: -pkg /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ 10.7.3\ Update\ Combo/MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.pkg -target
Then another error that says Usage: installer a nd a lot of info between brakcets.
The last sentence says: -target [Domainkey|MountPoint|DiskIdentifier|DeviceNode|UUID]>
😟 more help please
Ok, I decided to actually try this myself. I grabbed my MacBook Pro, and while looking at My iMac for the directions. I restarted holding the option key just after the chime. Started with the Recovery Partition.
In the upper right of the screen, make sure you're connected to Wifi or some network if you haven't already downloaded the Combo package. It's best to be connected anyway so Apple can verify the download.
Then, if you don't have the Combo Package already downloaded or a copy on a thumb drive or DVD. Then you need to open Safari. "Browse for Help Online" and "Continue" opens Safari. Then type "". I was surprised, to see the Combo package right there at the top of the download items. Download the "OS X Lion Update 10.7.3 (Client Combo)" I've already downloaded it so I didn't do it here, but I assume it puts it into the downloads folder. I may ask you where to save it, remember where that is, because you'll want to find it when you open it with Disk Utility in the next paragraph:
Then quit Safari, and open "Disk Utility" and choose "Open Disk Image" from the File menu and select the combo installer that you just downloaded. You may have seen where you saved it. Actually, you can type "MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3" in the search box, but my MacBook wasn't finding it very fast without spotlight. So I just navigated to my HD then Users then my home folder (your name or user folder) then Downloads or where ever you saved the .dmg file you just downloaded. Double click on it "MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.dmg".
Now you have a /Volumes/"Mac OS X 10.7.3 Update Combo" mounted
Quit Disk Utilities, and open the Terminal from the Utilities menu and now that you have that Volume mounted, you should be able to type " installer -pkg /Volumes/"Mac OS X 10.7.3 Update Combo"/MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.pkg -target /Volumes/"the name of your HD" " without the outside quotes or spaces by the outside quotes.
Then there you go, maybe about 15 minutes, it'll have installed the Combo 10.7.3 Update.
Then just type "reboot"
Sum up:
Connect to internet, look for black Wifi (AirPort curved lines)
Download the Combo package with Safari and Save it where you can find it with disk utilities
Open Disk Utility and Open that newly downloaded disk image where you saved it (downloads folder?)
Now that it's a mounted Volume:
Open Terminal and type the simplified commands I gave above with quotes and include you HD name in the quotes too. That is the command to run the Installer with the Combo Package!
Typing "installer" means to run that app, then you're telling it to open a package "-pkg" named "MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.pkg" in that locations (Volumes/....) and "-target" is just telling it where to install the package, and that's where you tell it your HD name in quotes!
Then restart! (Type "reboot" when you get the command prompt again in the terminal)
Voila! (Hopefullly! If you see that it installed and reboot restarts, I'm sure it's all good.)
Good luck. I hope you were forgetting one of those steps and that's why it wasn't working. I'm glad I went through the motions myself to see what it was all about...
Now I need sleep...
Wow. Is the most complicated way to install I have ever seen. I downloaded from Apple site and hit install and done. Is there reason to have to do all those things? should I reinstall it like that?
thank you
boyfromoz wrote:
Wow. Is the most complicated way to install I have ever seen. I downloaded from Apple site and hit install and done. Is there reason to have to do all those things? should I reinstall it like that?
thank you
It just looks more complicated than it is. Unless you can run the Finder from that Mac, or another Mac and use Target disk mode. Then that's the only way to install a Combo package without the Finder. Makes us really see the Value in the! 😝
All you're doing is mounting the package (dmg) and running the installer. Just doing it from the Terminal instead of the Finder.
Edit: Are you saying you can download and install it from the Finder? If so, by all means do it that way! The above way is if you can't run the Finder because the Update disabled the Mac. and gives you stuff like this:
That's what happened to me, I couldn't run anything, and the Finder kept crashing. But I had other Macs, so I installed from another Finder on another Mac.
Yes, it is. I'm using this iMac now running Mac OS 10.7.3. All 4 of my Macs are at 10.7.3 now. It was both of my iMacs that crapped out. And this was three days ago before any news of a problem. I just used Time Machine Restore on the first one, but that took 10 hours to restore. Then the second iMac, I just installed from a MacBook Pro, with the iMac in Target disk mode. I made the iMac like an external drive and installed the Combo from my MaBook Pro to the iMac that way, that only took about 15 minutes.
For the MacBooks, I just went straight to the Combo installer. It's nice to have more than one Mac in these situations. I just don't get rid of them, they'll come in handy sometime.
Thanks a lot Gator TPK. It did not work.
First of all I did all the steps you mentioned in your post before but without resutls.
I tried to do it again step by step but when I am trying to downoad the combo file, it says that there is not enough space on my disk.
Well I do not know what to do.
Did I need to use an USB to perfomr the recovery option?
Darn I am running to this update as well! (I need an OS X update to download the Install Mac OS so that I can extract the InstallESD.dmg from it and burn a installition DVD out of it, I'm on a 13-inch MacBook Pro which suffered a bit on retriving the free upgrade of Lion)
Is it safe to use the Install Mac OS (or the DVD I burned out of it) to upgrade my Mac or is a virtual machine experiment is necessary? I am running out of storage so I do not have TM backups however this machine is my sole production machine (I am an iOS developer so my iPad and my iPhone are both labs for me as well as this Mac which I run Xcode on...)
Remember there is something called I was a hardcore Linux user and since Mac OS X is a variation of UNIX-like as Linux is, the /bin/bash in can be really powerful. (I even removed Safari and iTunes, both for downgrading, using the following commands:
sudo bash --login # and type your password which will not show up on screen
# su will not work on Mac OS
# This will provide a full, root priviledged login terminal.rm -rv /Applications/ # true bad guy here~!
which worked fine, since I rolled my iTunes back to 10.4 several times using this darn method)
You may attempt use this following command in su open ~/Downloads/ or use su diskutil mount ~/Downloads/
file-that-you-downloaded.dmg to mount it first and then su open /Volumes/volume-name-of-the-dmg-file/
Hi guys.
I have been following this tread as much as possible and am afraid of updating both by MacBook and mac mini incase I get flummoxed.
I have seen a download on the support page that has the COMBO listed, is this the fix?
Thanks for your help.
Well I tried even mounting the DMG from Terminal, it worked that part but when I have to install the PKG
I get:
Packagekit: Missing Bundle path, skipping: bundle bundle
Packagekit: Missing Bundle path, skipping: bundle bundle
Packagekit: Missing Bundle path, skipping: bundle bundle
Packagekit: Missing Bundle path, skipping: bundle bundle
I think I have tried all the available options but it is not working forme.
Not yet. I have a slow-speed internet (maybe it's a plus now since it has prevented me from an immediate update 🙂 ) and was downloading a combo update from Apple website, after reading all these issues with a software one. But now I might download a software one and it will take couple of days if not more, and who knows what will happen within these days 🙂
Message was edited by: iMasterus
Just updated to 10.7.3 on my iMac 27 quad.
a lot of apps are crashing on startup.
Safari starts but hangs
Firefox 5 works!.
I tried the combo Client update. But it didn't make any difference.
I am now restoring from Time machine the machine estimates 13 hours.
Apps I have seen crashing:
EyeTV, TeamViewer, Chrome, Epson Printersw.
Their may be more but I stopped no need to waste more time.
mr.recordman wrote:
Even with the error I showed before, after rebooting my mac is working.
Hope it will last.
Specially thanks to GATOR TPK for the patience.🙂
I'm glad, if you got your Mac working again and if you see 10.7.3 in the "About this Mac..." then I'm sure you did everything right. Those errors that you were getting before (Packagekit: Missing Bundle path, skipping: bundle bundle) seems like something normal that people don't normally see when installing an Update because usually people use the Finder and the Installer, or Software Update and it only shows a progress bar and not all the little details.
Also, I read that you didn't have enought space on your HD. So now that you got your Mac working again, I'm assuming you cleared up some space, but I would clear up even more space (there's always some junk that I find that I can delete, or a duplicate file somewhere) and use that Combo Update that you downloaded earlier from Safari while in Recovery Mode and run it again (or download a new copy of the DMG file, just to make sure that all the parts get installed and you get the "The Installation was Successful" message before asking you to restart. (You can install the Combo update on top of the already updated Mac OS X 10.7.3.)
Its up to you, if your Mac is working perfectly now, then it's probablly perfect. But if you see any strange behavior, and you have the Finder working, then you can redo the 10.7.3 Combo installation from the Finder the easy way, just by double clicking on the brown box package.
As a good rule, everytone should always keep at least 10% of their HD empty. I.E. 100 GB free on a 1 TB drive. Even my DVR automatically deletes shows to keep 10% empty! It helps avoid extreme fragmentation.
Hello Gator,
sorry for my grammar mistakes.
It is weird the error of out of storage i have 250gb free.
I Still have the Combo Dmg in case computer would be unstable.
Again, really appreciate your time trying to help me.
Have a great weekend.
Tried doing the update on a 2009 MBP (silver keyboard) with 4gig RAM. It was running fine with 10.7.2, but after the udate was finished, I clicked the restart button, the screen went balck and... no chime after minutes.
So I shut down holding the power button for a few seconds. No when I try to start it, the white light goes on (on the lid button) but the screen stays black and there is no chime button.
I've tried resetting PMU, PRAM SMC. Tried booting in safe mode, same problem.
Tried booting through another Mac and another external HD. Nada.
So I tried putting my Lion DVD and now it's stuck (won't eject holdin the trackpad button) and the screen is black and there is still no chime.
Any help will be immensely appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Camarillo Brillo wrote:
Tried doing the update on a 2009 MBP (silver keyboard) with 4gig RAM. It was running fine with 10.7.2, but after the udate was finished, I clicked the restart button, the screen went balck and... no chime after minutes.
So I shut down holding the power button for a few seconds. No when I try to start it, the white light goes on (on the lid button) but the screen stays black and there is no chime button.
I've tried resetting PMU, PRAM SMC. Tried booting in safe mode, same problem.
Tried booting through another Mac and another external HD. Nada.
So I tried putting my Lion DVD and now it's stuck (won't eject holdin the trackpad button) and the screen is black and there is still no chime.
Any help will be immensely appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Wow, that sounds like a problem! Well, you've done all the things I would have done so far. A couple of questions though:
1. Does the backlight for the screen come on at all, do you see a gray screen for a moment?
– If not, then I would suspect that the MacBook Pro is not even getting any power and therefore the other actions like resetting the PMU, PRAM, SMC, Safe Mode, etc aren't actually happening at all anyway.
2. Did the Lion DVD get "sucked" or feed into the SuperDrive? That is, did you push the DVD in all the way manually and it didn't even power mount the DVD, or did you hear the drive spin the DVD?
3. If you don't see any backlight, ie the screen lighting up at all, make sure that the brightness button is all the way up and isn't dimmed to dark. (F1 and F2 keys on most keyboards, black and silver keyboards)
4. Does the power cord give a green or amber light when plugged in?
You say you have a 2009 MBP (silver keyboard), but the silver keyboards were all pre-unibody and were last introduced in Early 2008 (February). So you have a Core 2 Duo (unless it's a January 2006, then it's a Core Duo, but that's unlikely, since Lion won't even run on that.) I have a August 2006 Core 2 Duo (worlds first Core 2 Duo computer) running Lion 10.7.3 fine. Also you have 4 GB RAM so you have at least a 2007 Santa Rosa Model, So your MBP is either 2007 or 2008.
Anyhow, that doesn't matter so much what pre-unibody MacBook Pro you have. If you're not hearing the chime and you don't have anything in the earphone jack and the volume is up, then you're not getting any power to the logic board. The hardware test (that runs every time on startup) senses something wrong and the power supply won't allow power to go for protection. If this is the case, try taking out the battery, and starting without the battery for a moment (a bad battery can act as a resistor preventing power up), if no avail, then take out the SO-DIMMs (RAM) and put it back in. If that doesn't work, Then leave only one 2 GB SO-DIMM in and see if it will start up then.
Let me know some answers to my questions! I'll try to get to the bottom of this! 🙂
Edit: I forgot, you mention that the led on the lid button is on. This mean that the Logic board does have minimum power and is sleeping. You need to make sure the light goes off and it's all off before you can turn it on, that is start it up. If the light won't go off after holding the power buttom for 5 seconds then, just take out the battery and unplug the power cord. That'll surely cut the power, then try starting it up without the battery and only with the power cord, and make sure you see a green led on the magsafe. Hopefully that'll show a sign of life on the MBP!
CUI CUI CUI error 10.7.3 all apps crashes