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CUI CUI CUI error 10.7.3 all apps crashes

Just updated to 10.7.3 and everything crashes. All apps all windows will just pop out error with CUI CUI CUI CUI on all bottom!!!:(

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 2011 i5 2.3GHz

Posted on Feb 1, 2012 2:25 PM

390 replies
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Feb 6, 2012 4:18 AM in response to XR4er

XR4er wrote:

Hey guys I am getting the CUi error when I am typing into Terminal I am getting invalid option. My theory is I have typed the bits wrong but after double checking I think I am right.

My macintosh Hd is called Macintosh HD would anybody be able to type out what I have to put into terminal to not get the invalid option


(If your finder is working, then you can reinstall the 10.7.3 Combo Update by clicking on the brown box package and let the Installer.app Update your copy of Mac OS X 10.7.x, the Combo Update can be found here: OS X Lion Update 10.7.3 (Client Combo))

Are you trying to do the procedure I described on page 21? Installing the Combo Update package 10.7.3 from the Recovery Partition? If so, make sure that you have mounted the Combo Update DMG first. The terminal command won't work if you type:

installer -pkg /Volumes/"Mac OS X 10.7.3 Update Combo"/MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.pkg -target /Volumes/"Macintosh HD"

because "/Volumes/"Mac OS X 10.7.3 Update Combo"/MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.pkg" doesn't exist! (it's not mounted!)

That is /Volumes/"Mac OS X 10.7.3 Update Combo" isn't there. You need to open Disk Utilities and open the "Mac OS X 10.7.3 Update Combo.dmg" to mount it.

Once "Mac OS X 10.7.3 Update Combo" Volume is mounted, like any other HD, DVD, Thumb Drive, or DMG disk image, the "installer -pkg" terminal command will work. It just needs to find the Combo Update and then it can apply the Combo update to the -target /Volumes/"Macintosh HD". I'm using quotes to label the Volume names instead of using a "\ " to describe a space in the Volume name "Macintosh HD". I used quotes the same way with the Volume you need to mount: "Mac OS X 10.7.3 Update Combo". (you could type "\ " instead every time there is a space in a Volume name, but I think using Quotes around the Volume names is easier.)

Also, every space (and absence of a space) has to be perfect when typing terminal commands. If you get an error with lots of brackets "[ ]" then your not putting the spaces in the right places. Highlight the above command spaces to verify where the spaces are, since some aren't obvious as they are short spaces (short gaps between letters!).

Here's the command again with underscores to show the spaces, but obviously don't type the underscores, just spaces in place of the underscores:

installer_-pkg_/Volumes/"Mac_OS_X_10.7.3_Update_Combo"/MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.pkg_ -target_/Volumes/"Macintosh HD"

Hope that helps! Good luck! (I hope I typed everything perfectly! If not, you should see my typo somewhere.)

Another option is to just choose the "Reinstall Mac OS X", then it'll download a full 4.07 GB version of Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 and replace the bad updated copy of Mac OS X 10.7.3 you have. (as far as I know that's the case, I haven't tried that option from the Recovery partition)


Feb 1, 2012 9:23 PM in response to albert421

Okay, so I can report that if you DON'T have another mac lying around, but DO have a spare external HDD and an OSX install disk, this is a viable alternative (if restoring from Time Machine or doing a reinstall of Lion would take too long / lose data):

  1. Install a copy of Lion to your spare HDD (If you don't have the USB version, like me, you can install Snow Leopard to the drive, then update it to Lion). Lion will be required to launch the combo updater.
  2. Boot your machine by holding down Option at startup, and select your external drive.
  3. Download the 10.7.3 Combo Update (http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1484)
  4. After download, launch the Combo Update, select your SNAFU'd Boot Disk as the destination for the install.
  5. Wait for the install (~15 minutes) to complete.
  6. Reboot into your original drive with no data loss.

Feb 2, 2012 7:02 AM in response to albert421

Since I can't edit my post anymore, here is the cleaned-up solution.

Terminal won't start under broken OSX, so you can not download 10.7.3 combo directly.


  • Boot into your Lion Recovery Partition/Time Machine Partition (by holding Option/Alt key on boot).
  • Select "Browse for help online" to gain access to Safari.
  • Go to http://support.apple.com/downloads/ and download the 10.7.3 Combo Update [1.3GB].
  • https://support.apple.com/downloads/DL1484/en_US/MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.dmg
  • Right-click on Download button, and select "Download Linked File As..." and select your startup disk.
  • After download complete, quit Safari.
  • Open Disk Utility -> File -> Open Disk Image -> and select the MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.dmg from the directory you saved it to.
  • After mounting successful, quit Disk Utility and go to Menubar and select Utilities -> Terminal.
  • Type in "installer -pkg /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ 10.7.3\ Update\ Combo/MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.pkg -target /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD" (without quotes) and hit Return/Enter to run the comand.
  • Target Disk may vary depending on your startup disk's name.
  • Installation takes 5-15min so be patient.
  • When installation is complete, simply type in reboot and hit Return/Enter.

Hope this will help.

I was able to put this up using information from syberyans' post, and improvisation.


========Terminal Output==================

-bash-3.2# installer -pkg /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ 10.7.3\ Update\ Combo/MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.pkg -target /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD

installer: Package name is Mac OS X Update Combined

installer: Upgrading at base path /Volumes/Macintosh HD

2012-02-02 06:14:46.796 installer[1137:10803] PackageKit: Missing bundle path, skipping: <bundle id="com.apple.XsanAdmin"></bundle>

2012-02-02 06:14:46.807 installer[1137:10803] PackageKit: Missing bundle path, skipping: <bundle id="com.apple.exposelauncher"></bundle>

2012-02-02 06:14:46.808 installer[1137:10803] PackageKit: Missing bundle path, skipping: <bundle id="com.apple.Console"></bundle>

2012-02-02 06:14:46.810 installer[1137:10803] PackageKit: Missing bundle path, skipping: <bundle id="com.apple.backup.launcher"></bundle>

2012-02-02 06:14:46.831 installer[1137:10803] PackageKit: Missing bundle path, skipping: <bundle id="com.apple.grapher"></bundle>

2012-02-02 06:14:46.839 installer[1137:10803] PackageKit: Missing bundle path, skipping: <bundle id="com.apple.airport.airportutility"></bundle>

2012-02-02 06:14:46.840 installer[1137:10803] PackageKit: Missing bundle path, skipping: <bundle id="com.apple.NetworkUtility"></bundle>

2012-02-02 06:14:46.854 installer[1137:10803] PackageKit: Missing bundle path, skipping: <bundle id="com.apple.PodcastCapture"></bundle>

installer: The upgrade was successful.



Feb 3, 2012 1:30 PM in response to albert421

I can confirm that there are three (or four) ways to avoid this error:

  1. Opt to install the Combo Update rather than the Software Update version or delta.
  2. Download the full OSX Lion Installer from the Mac App Store, and create a bootable USB, Portable HDD, or DVD with the full installer and perform a clean install of Mac OS X Lion (which includes v10.7.3 by default).
  3. Restore from TimeMachine back up via the Recovery HD.
  4. Not installing the Mac OS X 10.7.3 update until Apple addresses the issue.

I did the 2nd option as I wanted to refresh my MacBook's intallation of OSX Lion and it has worked flawlessly for the first two hours of the install. I will continue to do testing to see what happens. However there are a few things that I noticed after installing 10.7.3 on my Mac:

  • Safari 5.1.3 is a lot more faster than the previous version and it seems more stable.
  • The overall feeling of the OS seems to be more responsive.
  • HDD footprint increased by 200 megabytes, possibly due to the security updates and new languages.

That's all I have to report for now.


Feb 9, 2012 9:33 PM in response to jhuber222

jhuber222 wrote:

Well.. Everything was working perfectly. Then Safari froze and I had to shut down. It wouldn't boot right so I tried to repair permissions and there were a bunch of open errors it would freeze when it got to. So then I reinstalled the OS without a hitch using the recovery partition, which fixed it last time. Now I can't boot at all, no safe mode, no recovery, nothing. Could this possibly be a firmware issue?

Does your Mac screen remains black or just stays on and nothing happens?

If the latter is true, here's what you can do (Steps 1 & 2, if your Mac's screen is completely black, skip to step #3):

  1. Hold the "option" key when you turn on your Mac. This should show all the bootable disk options. Can you see any hard-drives?
  2. Run the Apple Hardware Test and run the extended tests 2 times. Place the disc inside the SuperDrive when you hear the chime and hold the "D" key as soon as you can. Note down any error codes as they appear on screen. When you are finished with the test just hit the shutdown option, or restart. to take out the AHT disc, click and hold your mouse, this will force eject your AHT disc from the SuperDrive.
  3. Set up a Genius Bar Appointment at your local Apple Store.

Good Luck!


Feb 4, 2012 1:53 AM in response to giuliospinozzi

giuliospinozzi wrote:

GatorTPK wrote:

Software Update is now using the Combo Updater instead of the Delta Updater. That should resolve most if not all future updates.

How can you say this? Where have you seen this info? I must update my MBA 13", and I'm waiting the solving of this issue...thanks

I saw the info my running Software Update again in the past 8 hours. I don't know when exactly Apple started using the Combo Update instead of the Delta Update, but it seems like it was about 2 days after the initial release. In my case it's the Server Update Combined. You should see "Mac OS X Update Combined". It's the exact same size as the stand alone combo updater. This is what it looks like now:

User uploaded file


Feb 5, 2012 12:39 PM in response to albert421


The Best solution is to :

1- Restart your system then press cmd & R at the same time. ( this will boot to OSX Utilities )

User uploaded file

2 - Click on Reinstall Mac OS X ( Make sure you are connected to the Internet )

3- Just wait till the process finish . ( about 45 mins )

This is the Best & easiest soultion without losing any of your Data & getting OS X 10.7.3 without doing any update.

It worked fine for me 🙂


Feb 1, 2012 4:09 PM in response to albert421

FOLKS I have fixed mine...it went fast because I have fiber and well, SSD rocks.

Ok, I booted into my old drive with 10.7.2. via USB

I downloaded the COMBO update via http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1484

I installed the combo and ran Disk Utilty a couple times to make sure nothing obvious was broken or permissions sticky bit was whacked out.

Boots up into 10.7.3 fine.

If I had to guess, I'd say the installer is either got a bad pack for Macbooks here (judging by the comments) or it is quitting prematurely and rebooting before the update is fully completed - which has happened with Snow Leopard in the past on some of my machines.

I'm out of here, I have a Sh*t ton of photo this evening.

Good luck y'all. Apple get your act together.


Feb 1, 2012 6:29 PM in response to Haynie Minter

Anyone who's having this issue can fix this with the help of another Mac. Boot your Mac in Firewire or Thunderbolt Target Disk Mode, and plug it into another Mac running 10.7.x. Download the 10.7.3 Combo Updater, and run the package against your now-Target-Disked Mac's HD. That should repair the damage.

If you don't have another Mac, the Genius Bar should be able to do this.

I've now fixed two separate machines with this issue by this method.


Feb 1, 2012 8:32 PM in response to albert421

I've just downloaded the 10.7.3 update (Client) http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1485 , and checked the SHA1. It just works, but the built-in software update didn't.

Has anyone considered that it might be the built in updater in OSX that is at fault. I got some errors from updating through this. Saying the update 10.7.3 wasn't downloaded correctly...

But all fine now, installed 10.7.3 from .dmg file downloaded at http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1485 and it just works.

Others have been using the combo file. Seems to work as well.

Wish you luck.


Feb 2, 2012 5:31 AM in response to syberyan

This also worked for me while booted from the broken system itself. Here's the commands I used to download and install the combo update without using the GUI at all. I did it over SSH, but it would probably work if Terminal will load. Since the update is rather large, if it gets interrupted you can rerun the curl command to resume the download.

$ curl -C - -LO https://support.apple.com/downloads/DL1484/en_US/MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.dmg

$ hdiutil attach MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.dmg

$ sudo installer -pkg /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ 10.7.3\ Update\ Combo/MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.pkg -target /Volumes/Twitch\ HD

$ sudo reboot


Feb 2, 2012 6:12 AM in response to syberyan

Here is what I'm doing.

Since the Terminal wont start under broken OS, i cant download 10.7.3 combo update from my OS.

Instead I booted into Lion Recovery Partition (on my Time Machine disc - holding Option during boot), and selected "browse for help online" so I can use Safari (I'm writing this from recovery partition!).

Now I'm downloading the combo Update from https://support.apple.com/downloads/DL1484/en_US/MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.dmg

https://support.apple.com/downloads/DL1484/en_US/MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.dmg(selected to save file as... and selected my Macintosh HD).

When It's finished, I hope to:

- start disk utility, mount the combo update image

- start terminal, and run "installer -pkg /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ 10.7.3\ Update\ Combo/MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.pkg -target /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD"

- wait until the command finishes. (about 5-15 minutes)

- restart

Just as syberyan did.

I'll post results if succesfull.

Hope this will help for those without SSH, USB, or time to backup from TM.



Feb 2, 2012 6:49 AM in response to Goumic

Goumic wrote:

I have the same problem, but I cannot use the combo updater because all my browsers immediately crash. I could restore from my Time Machine backup, but ironically, I cannot get into the restore mode on my late 2008 MacBook. I hold the cmd key after start, but after like 2 seconds it shows me the login screen with my account and the guest account – and nothing happens. What should I do? Thanks

Hold cmd+r to get into the recovery partition then follow these steps http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4718


CUI CUI CUI error 10.7.3 all apps crashes

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