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Where did RSS go in Safari 6???

Where the heck is the RSS reader!?!?! It was the best all round RSS reader! I DEPEND on it for thousands of feeds that I have to keep track of every day!

AND WHY wasn't there somekind of warning? Or a suggestion for an alternative? Or at least a good extension/option!?

FIX THIS ASAP PLEASE! People like me DEPEND on features like these, you CANNOT just take them away without warning when you force a software update like this!

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 10GB RAM - ATI Radeon HD 5870

Posted on Jul 25, 2012 8:25 AM

551 replies

Aug 5, 2012 6:32 PM in response to erebos

erebos wrote:

neil456 wrote:

A form of communications managed, monitored, and analyzed by a third party with unknown intent, for unknown reasons, and shared with unknown people and businesses.

You are either unaware or uncaring (and that is your right), but that does not make twitter a solution that builds a good future for those of us that do care about privacy.

Neil, what makes you so trustful of the people who make your web browser, the people who make your OS, the people who run the fiber backhaul, the people who put your computer together in a factory in commie/fascist China? All of those 3rd parties and you choose Twitter as the bad guy? Interesting. I would like to know more about how you came to this conclusion.

Believe it or not, I used a bit of logic. At least today, I can monitor all of my outbound connections so I know if my computer is doing something it should not be. With other carriers I use encryption for everything that is important, but there is also an implied privacy. If I am not happy with their privacy, then I can switch ISPs. It is really disturbing that you have to have such basic stuff explained.

But most importantly, none of the others you mention have a business model that is based on selling information about me to make a profit. Just how do you think Twitter pays its employees and for all those servers? Same with Google and Facebook. I'll bet you think it is just a free service that you can take advantage of. You'll learn when you grow up that nothing is free.

And I only picked twitter because someone suggested it as an alternative to RSS. Since RSS can be (was in Safari) direct from the source server to my browser there were no privacy issues. Not the same with RSS apps that agregrate or RSS services or notifications or Facebook or Twitter or Goggle.

Aug 5, 2012 6:43 PM in response to neil456

Can you really monitor your connections Neil? Are you sure? Are you sure the hardware is telling the OS the truth? How do you know for sure Neil? You don't know, you just tell yourself you know. You tell yourself that "implied" privacy is good enough but the very idea of relying on implications is insane. How will you know the ISP violated your "privacy", you'll never know. Your arguments are severely flawed I'm afraid.

Aug 6, 2012 2:20 AM in response to ZORGALISCIOUS

Removing native RSS from Safari 6 (and from pretty much the whole of Mountian Lion) was a really poor decision. RSS is flexible and robust in a way that Twitter and Reading List/Reader are not. I'm all for cutting legacy features early, but there was nothing gained in terms of simplicty or pushing for new standards as a result of this decision. Whichever product manager made the call deserves a strict talking to, and the feature should be brought back. It's the biggest blemish on the otherwise beautiful 10.8 release.

Aug 6, 2012 2:47 AM in response to Attila


From what I can gather, this is why RSS has been removed: a gigantic security hole bang in the middle of Safari.

My guess is that this is a temporary measure, and service will resume in the next incremental release.

It looks like it was bad timing - the hole was found earlier in the year, and my guess is that engineers couldn't fix it and get ML released on time also.

Of course, I may be wrong on all counts.

Aug 6, 2012 5:22 AM in response to ZORGALISCIOUS

You can count me in with this..

I would really badly like to see the RSS feed back in safari..

I understand that apple is looking to streamline safari, but I think that having RSS feed support in safari is really something which is quite an important part of the whole internet feeling.

And yes, I also used the Feedback page. I'm also posting to make a point here.



Aug 7, 2012 11:53 AM in response to Ben_G

Ben_G wrote:


From what I can gather, this is why RSS has been removed: a gigantic security hole bang in the middle of Safari.

My guess is that this is a temporary measure, and service will resume in the next incremental release.

It looks like it was bad timing - the hole was found earlier in the year, and my guess is that engineers couldn't fix it and get ML released on time also.

Of course, I may be wrong on all counts.

From what I've been reading online, via "trusted sources", it was not a temporary discission. They may change their minds, due to all the fuss everyone is making... but apprently it was part of a larger plan.

RaceManRocks wrote:

I Use RSS in IOS Safari EVERY SINGLE DAY. Multiple times a day. If they remove RSS from Safari IOS, I'll be So F#[##]ing ANGRY!!

Rumor has it, it's gone too 😟. I sure hope not, but that's the word on the street.

Aug 7, 2012 12:04 PM in response to sonicgoss

[I appologise in advance for the off-topic comment -- someone was wrong the internet, I couldn't resist. ]

sonicgoss wrote:

NOT TO MENTION....as a developer, Chome (and Explorer) don't conform to web standards, so there is NO WAY I'm using them.

Just wanted to mention, for anyone that might be confused by this comment, that Chrome and Safari use the same layout engine -> WebKit.

While Chrome sets different base CSS rules than Safari, they both rely on the exact same programming to layout your code. If you're seeing large differences between the two, you simply need to 'reset' more rules and attributes in your reset.css -- In other words, you just need a better reset.css. Tell me you're using a reset.css???

On a more related note: I've been running Safari 5.1.7, downgraded from v6, for the last few days and I can't tell you how much more productive I am to have RSS feeds back in my bookmarks bar.

Aug 7, 2012 3:57 PM in response to Mat Pridham1

On a more related note: I've been running Safari 5.1.7, downgraded from v6, for the last few days and I can't tell you how much more productive I am to have RSS feeds back in my bookmarks bar.

You don't believe how much you'll miss something until it's gone...

I have Safari 5.1.7 still running on my computer at work and have come to realize, since the Safari 6 "update" RSS massacre (dramatic I know), just how much I really do use RSS on a very regular basis, probably even more so now. I will not be updating to ML anytime soon as I am not in need of share buttons and do not care about streaming Hulu to my nonexistent apple TV (really? those updates warrant a new OS??). I work on my computer for a living... and then I go outside and play.

Anyway, still using Safari 6 at home (will be downgrading to v5.1.7 tonight) and it feels more like a fluffy "my first browser" social media toy; since I can't read any of my RSS feeds, I waste a lot more time looking at my friends & colleagues latest baby photos and gripes about how bad their day is going.

Wow progress.

Message was edited by: nybe

Aug 8, 2012 4:08 AM in response to Mat Pridham1

You say : "I've been running Safari 5.1.7, downgraded from v6, for the last few days"...

How did you downgrade ?

I tried but couldn't.

- If i trash Safari 6, I'm warned it's impossible because it belongs to the system.

- And if I try to install Safari 5 over safari 6 I'm told it's impossible because I have a newer version !

So HOW DID YOU DO ? Please tell us :-))



Aug 8, 2012 6:48 AM in response to Casban

the "what new tech" is: push notifications is replacing RSS so your list of notifications has the same list of websites that have updates, and HTML5 is replacing Flash...

if that RSS extension is not to your liking there are several others that will open RSS feeds in any number of ways.. having the function back at all i believe is the main point....

another extension: http://www.red-sweater.com/blog/2624/subscribe-to-feed-safari-extension, see bottom of blog post for updated extension.

the comment about mail having RSS is in response to the person i was replying to, I am not sure why my response is at the bottom of this thread, but the person i was replying to said he wouldn't update, meaning he can't be in Mountain lion, there is nothing he can udate in Mountain lion if he arleady was in Mountain lion....

so his option is he can do a full update in regular Lion (including updating safari if he wishes), and he will have the option to have his RSS feed in Mail side bar.

Aug 8, 2012 7:38 AM in response to Casban


“Casban” is absolutely correct on all points.


There are. apparently, a huge number of people that have never used RSS and they are giving advice that is waaaay off base. Many people NEED RSS, and Safari was the easiest way to browse through sites, especially if you have a disability.

I had my blind friend’s Safari all set up with all of his local news in one RSS click, and each of a dozen other topics in one-click RSS lists each, and his Mac would READ THE LIST! All he had to do as just select the headline he wanted, and it brought it right up. Now, it takes him 30 minutes what once took 5; 10 clicks are now 100. THERE IS NO SPEED INCREASE, just more opportunity to force people into places that are teaming with advertisements. Try to navigate through THAT maze if you are blind! He, I and all of his friends are extremely upset at Apple for being so incredibly cold and heartless to those with special needs.

For those that don’t have a need for RSS, fine for you, but don't tear down all of the wheelchair ramps merely because you, personally, prefer the stairs. Was it so insurmountably difficult that Apple couldn't make it a Safari Preference option, and so important as to necessitate removing millions of users access to news and information?

Aren’t computers suppose to make life EASIER, rather than more difficult? I thought that is what Apple’s focus was.


RSS Feeds are not email, so I do NOT want to be notified and interrupted as if it were, either in mail or with pushed screen notifications. RSS is a quick way to get around the internet to the article that I am interested in.

P.S. AND STOP MOVING THE UNIVERSAL ACCESS ICON WITH EVERY OS UPDATE! It’s a nightmare if you’re blind. It’s like rearranging the furniture in a blind person’s home without telling him.

All it takes is just one smart kid with a better idea for a GUI or better yet, AUI that puts Siri to shame, and Apple will see a mass exodus like history has never seen. Bring Steve’s spirit back to Apple or risk watching your stock value join Facebook’s.


Where did RSS go in Safari 6???

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