cheeeee wrote:
I made a safari extension that allow you to preview RSS feeds in the current window. I hope this extension makes Safari6 users happy a bit. (I know it cannot be an altenertive 😟)
Blog -
Download -
Thanks for writing and sharing that. Its article preview mode is the closest I've ssen so far to an RSS reader replacement for Safari 6. I don't really have any need for the separate feed button/toolbar. Just some way of displaying the number of unread articles for specific feeds (like in the per-Safari 6 bookmark bar), identifying which ones are unread from the preview mode, and selecting which one(s) to open (e.g. in new tabs) is what I'm looking/hoping for.
Here's a specific example of efficient RSS feed processing I've lost with Safari 6:
- Initially, once, add MacUpdate feed so its unread count will appear in bookmark bar
- Regularly open MU feed (e.g. daily) to preview sometime after noticing it has unread articles
- Open subset of MU feed's product listing pages in background tabs for browsing at my convenience
I've also lost the convenience of monitoring a few "site status" feeds using Safari RSS.
Those examples are in addition to NetNewsWire usage for the majority of feeds, viewing full articles in its tabs or Safari as appropriate. Safari RSS has served me quite well for a small, purposeful subset of feeds but certainly doesn't upscale well enough for all of them.
Something I haven't noticed mentioned anywhere is that kMDItemWhereFroms metadata is added to most items copied/downloaded from Safari, which can often be beneficial with feeds as the starting point and later Spotlight searching. I'm not aware of other apps (RSS or otherwise) that add that metadata; NetNewsWire doesn't.
Using multiple RSS clients, like I've done, can provide a more desirable level of efficiency and functionality than just using one.