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Where did RSS go in Safari 6???

Where the heck is the RSS reader!?!?! It was the best all round RSS reader! I DEPEND on it for thousands of feeds that I have to keep track of every day!

AND WHY wasn't there somekind of warning? Or a suggestion for an alternative? Or at least a good extension/option!?

FIX THIS ASAP PLEASE! People like me DEPEND on features like these, you CANNOT just take them away without warning when you force a software update like this!

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 10GB RAM - ATI Radeon HD 5870

Posted on Jul 25, 2012 8:25 AM

551 replies

Aug 8, 2012 7:54 AM in response to JonK..

JonK.. wrote:

the "what new tech" is: push notifications is replacing RSS so your list of notifications has the same list of websites that have updates, and HTML5 is replacing Flash...

Fail with repsect to RSS. None of the replacement options are better.

With respect to html 5, yes it's better.

Notifications fit a different workflow that has nothing to do with RSS. Quit trying to force a square peg in a round hole.

Aug 8, 2012 7:59 AM in response to Glen M


RSS Feeds are not email, so I do NOT want to be notified and interrupted as if it were, either in mail or with pushed screen notifications. RSS is a quick way to get around the internet to the article that I am interested in.

the RSS feed in the mail app is not an email, it is in the side bar, like it was in Safari, (we are talking lion here)

it acts similarly to the one in the safari, you click on it, it lists out the changes to the feed, just like safari did.. if you want to read more, you click on that and it opens in Safari, just like it did in Safari...

change is a b*ch i know, i've done my share of complaining about change... only to be humbled later by realizing it did improve the experience...

i still remember the people complaining about the change from MacOS 9 to OSX 🙂

and the best were the people complaining about the removal of the floppy drive... we think those complaints are silly now only because we have the benefit of our eyes filled with what would become the future...

Aug 8, 2012 8:14 AM in response to Glen M


P.S. AND STOP MOVING THE UNIVERSAL ACCESS ICON WITH EVERY OS UPDATE! It’s a nightmare if you’re blind. It’s like rearranging the furniture in a blind person’s home without telling him.

use the computer that you bought, and just stop updating..., it is simple to do that...really it is... that is all one has to do in many situations... not just the one you described... it is not a requirement to update, nobody is asking someone to do that, if you did update, stick in your original disk, and redo the computer to how it came from the factory.... you literally can use what you have.. i've got a mac i haven't touched sitting running 24/7 doing the same thing it was doing 10 years ago... i haven't updated because there is no need to do it, what it does, it does well....... that isn't a hack, it is simply what many people should do. I have half a dozen other Macs that are updated to varying degrees, i stop updating the moment that a mac is doing what someone in my family likes to do with that mac and not just your situation complains about change, everyone does.. including my wife, she is perfectly happy on snow leopard, i leave it on snow leopard.

but to suggest that the world should stand still to please you is just selfish, there are no two ways about that... i don't go around suggesting that everyone should only use snow leopard because my wife likes snow leopard. that would be silly....

should women all wear veils to please a subset of people who are required to wear veils?

Aug 8, 2012 8:18 AM in response to JonK..

Either you get it or you don't. Either you can see how you're manipulated into how you use 'their' software... or you're eyes are wide shut.

RSS is a stupidly simple yet incredibly powerful syndication and subscription aggregation tool for dailies (websites and blogs where the writers are constantly putting up new articles). RSS is in no way related to Mail, sidebars or what have you. It is in no way related to Flash (not sure how that comes into the discussion and we all know the real reasons for the ousting of it). And lastly RSS is absolutely in no way even remotely related to Social Media (FB, twitter, tumblr, etc.). As for a comparison to the floppy disk? That doesn't even make sense.

The implementation of RSS in Safari had been the best and simplest form of it that I have used, I've been using RSS in various forms since about 2006. It will be missed if it really is being doused in Safari and the only reason I can see for its ouster is metrics.

Aug 8, 2012 8:29 AM in response to nybe

RSS is a stupidly simple yet incredibly powerful syndication and subscription aggregation tool for dailies

and i remember people arguing vehemently that Flash was the best thing since sliced bread on Androids... now they are a little silent... for a good reason...

did you really think Apple left off RSS just as an oversight? (did you think that Apple left off floppy drives because it was an oversight?)

or do you think that RSS is the end all and be all, and Apple decided that the end all and be all should not be included for the heck of it?

there is a good reason why they did it... not researching why (or the next generation of that type of service) is having one's eyes wide shut...

Aug 8, 2012 10:24 AM in response to ZORGALISCIOUS

interesting article that popped up on one of my Safari 5.1.7 RSS feeds:

I want my RSS


RSS might be considered 'old technology' by the Facebook/Twitter generation, but it is a very effective way for publishers to draw attention to new articles on their sites, and for readers to follow news from multiple sites. It's also the technology used by iTunes and other podcatcher applications to automatically fetch new podcasts.


...It's almost as if Apple is trying to steer us away from established open standards towards proprietary platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

Message was edited by: nybe

Aug 8, 2012 12:21 PM in response to JonK..

JonK.. wrote:


P.S. AND STOP MOVING THE UNIVERSAL ACCESS ICON WITH EVERY OS UPDATE! It’s a nightmare if you’re blind. It’s like rearranging the furniture in a blind person’s home without telling him.

use the computer that you bought, and just stop updating...

...but to suggest that the world should stand still to please you is just selfish, there are no two ways about that... i don't go around suggesting that everyone should only use snow leopard because my wife likes snow leopard. that would be silly....

should women all wear veils to please a subset of people who are required to wear veils?

Wait, wait-wait-wait-wait. Did you seriously just compare a blind person to a religion?

Apple provides a Preference Pane, designed for, and designated specifically for the visually impaired... It's not unreasonable to ask them to keep it's location consistent out of respect for the fact the visually impaired CAN'T SEE!

I was done with this endless, tiresome argument until you went and spouted some of the most offensive, unintelligent vitriol I've ever heard. Worst-period-Analogy-period-Ever-PERIOD

Aug 9, 2012 7:03 AM in response to ZORGALISCIOUS

It's been very interesting reading (most of) this thread. I just downgraded to Safari 5, and it's such a relief. I now have my news feed again. If anybody missed it here's how: apple.stackexchange.com/questions/57916/how-do-you-remove-safari-6-on-mac-os-x- 10-7-4 - but NOT if you've already jumped the mountain lion.

I've been reading a lot about this issue and a most of the suggestions for a solution point to the possibility of installing an extention that "brings back" a RSS button. However the problem is not so much the missing button but that Safari will not read the RSS feeds. Safari 5 is the most useful RSS reader on the planet, because it's clutter free, it's organized with bookmarks, and especially because it's integrated in the browser.

To have your RSS reader integrated in your browser is just common sense and incredibly useful.

I am hoping that someone will develop an extension for Safari 6 that makes it possible to read RSS from within the browser. Until then I'm staying with Lion/Safari 5.

Aug 9, 2012 10:45 AM in response to michjunge

However the problem is not so much the missing button but that Safari will not read the RSS feeds.

The implications are not good; I get the feeling that too much of how Safari read RSS was too open and uncontrollable by Apple, so it will most likely not be making a come back... I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

Aug 9, 2012 2:38 PM in response to ZORGALISCIOUS

Frankly, I feel like the frog in the kettle of water and the temperature keeps going up. I keep seeing the elimination of functions that are integral to my work, the latest being the elimination of RSS from Safari.

By itself, the loss of RSS support is simply that - no more RSS support. In the context of other similar issues (from FInal Cut X clear down to the elimination of the Hex RGB display from Color Meter) it says that Apple is turning its back on power users and content creators.

The question is: Do I wait until Apple has turned the MacBookPro into nothing more than a keyboard-equipped iPad before I find an alternative? Or do I start looking for an alternative now? (This is a rhetorical question).

My practice is to buy a new MacBookPro every three years (when AppleCare runs out). My next purchase would be July 2013. If this frog is going to jump out of the pot then that is a perfect time to do it.

Aug 9, 2012 4:05 PM in response to testosterosa

testosterosa wrote:

My practice is to buy a new MacBookPro every three years (when AppleCare runs out). My next purchase would be July 2013. If this frog is going to jump out of the pot then that is a perfect time to do it.

Same here, and since I do sub-contract work, my computer must be portable and since I value my eyes it must be 17 inch. Right now, that means it's the end of Mac's for me and I've never personally owned a PC. I hope 17 inch MacBookPro's come back before late 2013. Or I will be forced to switch.

Aug 9, 2012 4:27 PM in response to JonK..

JonK.. wrote:

should women all wear veils to please a subset of people who are required to wear veils?

Not sure how JonK got there from here. Wow. Not sure there is any response to that zinger, but I'm going to have to take everything else this person spouts with a proverbial grain of salt.

The nice thing about the RSS functionality in Safari pre-6 and OS X pre-Mountain Lion was that it was so simple and unobstrusive.

I guess it is possible that a handful of people in the Universe might have gone into seizures when the little RSS button would appear for sites that published RSS. More realistically, I'd guess 9 out of 10 Safari users never even noticed it.

Any analogy to authoritarian states that imprison women for going out in public without a veil seems a bit over the top -- wouldn't ya say?!?

Dear Apple: Please put your simply beautiful RSS functionality back into Safari 6!

Aug 9, 2012 4:50 PM in response to testosterosa

testosterosa wrote:

The question is: Do I wait until Apple has turned the MacBookPro into nothing more than a keyboard-equipped iPad before I find an alternative? Or do I start looking for an alternative now? (This is a rhetorical question).

Well put. I hadn't thought of it quite that way, but that is the general motivation for my investing any more of my time in this thread. As I said in my first reply or two, I wouldn't enjoy the financial and creative freedom that I have today, if it weren't for Apple's effort thru the past decade.

It seems like they were making risky/disruptive technology-driven decisions when their stock price was under $100, but now that their stock price is $600+ they are more focused on making safe/protectionist business-driven decisions to keep the stock price high. That focus is fine if you are an Apple shareholder or iConsumer ("the needs of the many"), but not so rosy if you are a power user or professional technologist ("the needs of the few") who actually uses Apple keyboard-equipped computers to solve difficult problems in the most productive manner.

As they say, history repeats itself and maybe we're seeing Apple take the arc that IBM, Sun, DEC, Microsoft and other successful tech giants did in the past -- but I'd advise them to consider that most of these tech giants had a significant business customer base that Apple sorely lacks. This balanced them in a way that Apple is not, so their decline was gradual. Consumers are fashion and trend driven, so the tide could turn swiftly against Apple if it forgets what made it great. Consider Sony.

Dear Apple: Please put your simply beautiful RSS functionality back into Safari 6!

Aug 9, 2012 10:15 PM in response to cheeeee

cheeeee wrote:

I made a safari extension that allow you to preview RSS feeds in the current window. I hope this extension makes Safari6 users happy a bit. (I know it cannot be an altenertive 😟)

Blog - http://cmonos.jp/blog/2012072700/1.shtml

Download - http://cmonos.jp/download/safari-extensions/RelatedLinksBar_en.safariextz

Thanks for writing and sharing that. Its article preview mode is the closest I've ssen so far to an RSS reader replacement for Safari 6. I don't really have any need for the separate feed button/toolbar. Just some way of displaying the number of unread articles for specific feeds (like in the per-Safari 6 bookmark bar), identifying which ones are unread from the preview mode, and selecting which one(s) to open (e.g. in new tabs) is what I'm looking/hoping for.

Here's a specific example of efficient RSS feed processing I've lost with Safari 6:

- Initially, once, add MacUpdate feed so its unread count will appear in bookmark bar

- Regularly open MU feed (e.g. daily) to preview sometime after noticing it has unread articles

- Open subset of MU feed's product listing pages in background tabs for browsing at my convenience

I've also lost the convenience of monitoring a few "site status" feeds using Safari RSS.

Those examples are in addition to NetNewsWire usage for the majority of feeds, viewing full articles in its tabs or Safari as appropriate. Safari RSS has served me quite well for a small, purposeful subset of feeds but certainly doesn't upscale well enough for all of them.

Something I haven't noticed mentioned anywhere is that kMDItemWhereFroms metadata is added to most items copied/downloaded from Safari, which can often be beneficial with feeds as the starting point and later Spotlight searching. I'm not aware of other apps (RSS or otherwise) that add that metadata; NetNewsWire doesn't.

Using multiple RSS clients, like I've done, can provide a more desirable level of efficiency and functionality than just using one.

Aug 10, 2012 1:14 AM in response to sjk

I don't really have any need for the separate feed button/toolbar. Just some way of displaying the number of unread articles for specific feeds (like in the per-Safari 6 bookmark bar), identifying which ones are unread from the preview mode, and selecting which one(s) to open (e.g. in new tabs) is what I'm looking/hoping for.

Exactly! I have a folder of RSS bookmarks in my Bookmarks Bar for each group of news sources I follow on a daily basis. My bookmarks bar looks like this:

News (11) Tech stuff (32) Sports (3) ...

... with a count of unread articles. One click and I can see what sources have unread stuff for me. Two more clicks and I am on a specific webpage reading that specific article. The convenience of this is unrivaled - or at least I haven't been able to find anything to replace it.

The RSS feeds are all ultimately webpages so I really don't want to use a separate app for them, they are perfectly placed in my bookmarks bar, ready to be clicked and shown as the original web source.

Anyway I'm back in Safari 5 now and not upgrading til Mnt Lion until I have found a practical solution.

Where did RSS go in Safari 6???

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