I have not been able to access my email since ~10:30 PDT last night.
I noticed Apple said it was limited to folks who recently changed their passwords. Not true. I had not changed my password in months (though when I tried to log on to the forum after not being able to access mail for over 16 hours Apple forced a password reset for me).
I moved all my contacts and calendars to GMail ages ago, but have just been slow about cleaning out my me.com mailbox ... as soon as iCloud is back up, I'm downloading all my email to Outlook and ditching iCloud email alltogether.
And I'm tempted to move to Android at this point so I can move to Credo. iOS used to be great, but for all the control freak issues Apple has about managing it systems, they have had a lot of hacking and a lot of product failures in the past couple of years.
Bye-bye Apple. My AT&T contract is up this month.