Ever since I upgraded to IOS 6 and then to IOS 6.0.1, I was facing following issues on my iPhone 4S
1. Wifi greyed out
2. Battery drain
It looks like both of above issue are related i.e. if wifi option is greyed out, battery drain is much faster (more than 70% overnight with zero usage). If wifi option is available, battery depletes by hardly 30% over 8 hours of daytime use. I noticed it coz one fine day wifi on my 4S suddenly decided to work.
Upon wondering what may have caused my phone to shower favor on me was the difference in temperature. I traveled to a cooler place to spend weekend with my parents.
As soon as I came back, wifi and battery issues were there to haunt me again.
I remembered reading on Apple Communities forum suggesting to switch off the phone and leave in refrigerator for 15-20 min. Though reluctant initially, I decided to give it a shot. To my utter surprize, it works!!
Not a permanent solution, but it works! Though its a short lived happiness, I've found this solution consistently working.
Till the time Apple comes up with permanent fix, my phone is going to refrigerator everytime I have wifi grey out issue.