I spent ALL day on the phone with tech's from Apple (2 diff ones)
1st TECH told me -
1:press "home key" & power for 15 seconds - until phone powers itself back-up; then let her; So we did this - IT DID NOT WORK! As I had already told her when I called, I tried it before I called.
2:Next step:Reset Network Settings - Followed her advice word for word. IT DID NOT WORK! As I had already told her when I called, I tried before I called.
3:LAST step: RESTORE (w/back-up) She advised that I should restore my iPhone 4. So I hung up, printed out the CASE ID and RESTORED my phone - THIS DID NOT WORK!!!!
Back at square 1~
During the conversation; she also stated that if this did not work, a Senior Advisor would be contacted when I called back and possibly determine if it was software or "hardware" issue.
When I called back I spoke to a gentleman named "M"(name with held) and he walked me through all the SAME steps she did - EXCEPT with him we RESTORED my phone 2x's - once with iCloud and then a total WIPE OUT! 😟
AGAIN - they did NOT WORK! A Senior Advisor was contacted and brought into the conversation by the name of "M" (name with held) also. We spoke about the problem in GREAT DETAIL!
He stated that HE was UN-AWARE of the problem with the PICTURES not being able to be sent with text messages. I said, "are you kidding? Your Apple forum is BLOWING UP and has been since the update came out! Go look!" So he did as we were on the phone. He advised that he would be submitting an RTA letter (like this is going to do me[or anyone else] any good) to engineering and have them look into the "issue" it could take A WEEK!
I expressed my OVERWHELMING concern that this was something in a previous iOS that had been adressed but I was not sure which one it was, I was unfamiliar with older versions.