While normally I'd agree, Apple has taken upon itself to reach a specific demographic: the non-technically inclined. They've gone out of their way to include services and features in their products that wouldn't be considered appropriate or wise by other tech companies.
We might even go as far as to say that Apple is no longer a tech company. It provides communications infrastructure, hardware, software, short-term support, long-term support, sales, warranty services, a repair and support network, certification programs, etc. What other company might have come close to this? The example that comes to mind is Ma Bell, and I've never met anyone that would call Bell a tech company or a provider of tech products.
Aside from the interpretation of Apple's mission, I think it's worth mentioning that Apple products were the first products I ever used that had such a thing as a Trash. The frustrating thing that I find about the iPhone is that there is no Trash or exposed file system. Why would you train your user base to depend on a Trash and then conveniently leave it out in a key product?